Wood Walls

Hi, I'm a newcomer to this forum. I am surprised to see that in DD3 there are no wood walls available. If I select a wood floor fill for my wall then it has planks and nails that don't fit a wall. I have read an existing discussion on wood walls but when I follow the instructions for creating a new type of wall I am again just finding wood floors available for my fill. I think I must be missing something, surely it is possible to design a floor plan with wood walls? Your help would be appreciated.


  • The only wood fills I know of without nails, etc. are in some of the Annuals (ie Naomi VanDoren and Mike Schley), as well as the CSUAC add-ons - if you have any of those you can import the fill, create a new Drawing Tool and use any of those fills.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Wooden walls are unfortunately somewhat lacking in Base DD3. There is the 'Woodgrain Bitmap' fill, but it is not the best.

    There are some wood wall fills in the free Jonathan Roberts dungeon annual, showing the tops of standing beams, which may or may not be what you need.. There are also fills appropriate for wooden walls in Symbol Set 2 and Symbol Set 4.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited November 2017
    While the lack of wood wall fills is a weakness in the base DD3 program, one of the strengths of CC3 is the ability to import bitmap fills and symbols. If you find a suitable fill style (e..g on the web), or if you create one yourself, you can import it into CC3 to use in your maps. Obviously, this isn't as good as already having them built in, but it's a handy feature. If you're interested, check out the information in the online help.
    1. In CC3 (including any of the add-ons), press F1.
      The online help displays.
    2. Click the Index tab.
      Note: If you don't see the tab, click the Show button in the upper left.
    3. In the text field, type import
      The index list will filter as you type.
    4. Double-click bitmaps as fill style in the list.
      The Creating and Importing PNGs and Bitmaps as Fill Styles topic displays. Another helpful topic you can click from that list is pngs and bitmaps as fills.
    Again, it's not as nice as having the fills we want built into the software, but it does still give us flexibility.

  • edited November 2017
    Hi, I have symbol set 2 for CC3+ and can't find a wood wall there. Can you give me any hint as to where it is?

    I'd rather not buy an annual right now having just purchased CC3+, DD3, and symbol set 2. I'm unfamiliar with the CSUAC add-ons.

    I would like something like the walls for the Manticore's Tale Tavern. I'll take a shot at creating a png and importing it as Dogtag suggested.

    Thanks everyone, if you have any other ideas or info I'd appreciate it.
  • The wood in SS2 is called Floorboards. The wood in the Manticore's Tale, unfortunately, I believe, is the Wood Wall in the add-on Schley set. The CSUAC and other free add-ons can be found HERE
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    Check out the wood in the ship's annual.
  • 5 years later
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    Where? any location or source!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    The ships annual is the March issue of the 2009 Cartographer's Annual. It was recently updated in the 2021 Cartographer's Annual here:


    Over the last 5 years since that suggestion there have been many more styles that may contain non-plank wood. I used Symbol Set 4 (Dungeon's of Schley) just recently and created wood walls using the non-plank wood textures it contains.

    That can be found here:


    Bear in mind, however, that all wood textures have a certain directional quality to them, so you may have to chose which way you want the grain to go. As far as I remember there are vertical and horizontal versions of all wood textures in SS4.

  • I believe there is a feature in the "Source Maps: Castles!" add-on that lets you draw wall segments as rectangular polygons rather than lines. If you use a wood grain fill you can align the grain with one edge by making it a Shaded Polygon with the "Shade Only Copy" option.
  • I had no idea that the source maps contained any tools. I may have to play around with those.

  • Actually it turns out this was the PANL tool from DD3 that uses the current line width to create a boxed polygon. While primarily used for castle windows and doors it can also be used for a wall panel (see above). A description of this and other castle building commands can be found in issue 46 of the Cartographer's Annual.
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