Rogue Nodes? SOLVED
I'm in a quandary. There seem to be rogue nodes or something on a project I'm working on. When I attempt to Trace an area when I click on the start point a line shoots across the map. After choosing the ending point and waiting for the trace function I get this. I've tried it multiple times and always get similar results. I've encountered similar rogue areas on a smaller scale, and have just used the node edit function to pull back the rogue areas, but in this case, it keeps tracing half the map. I'm sure there's a solution but I do not know what it is. I'm just trying to trace the small section in the lower right corner.
When you press T to initiate a trace, you select the entity (landmass) that you want to trace before you click the start point. When you clicked the landmass that first time (after pressing T) did you click it at the start point? When tracing, you need to select the entity between the points where you plan to start and stop tracing — at a point you are going to trace through.
"at a point you are going to trace through."