Dungeon Designer Floor Issue

Hello. I have been making a map and everything was working fine when Dungeon Designer started telling me no matching tool when I try to select the floor tool. It tells me this if I left or right click. If I go to a different map I can select the floor tool (sometimes I have to right click and sometimes right or left click works). Any ideas on how to correct this? I'm stumped and I'm about 8 hours in on a map I need this weekend for a gaming session so any advice would be appreciated.


  • As a last resort you could try a repair install of dd3. But I would see if someone else can give you a better idea first.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited October 2017
    That error usually happens when you try to use a tool that doesn't exist in the template for the current map, but it sounds like the problem happens when you just click the Floor button. As long as you're using a map based on a DD3 template, that should work. Hrm.

    Can't guarantee this'll work, but have you installed the latest CC3+ update? Download it from your account page — be sure to get the correct update, there are separate updates for CC3 and for CC3+. Right-click the setup file and then select Run as Administrator from the pop-up menu.

    Worth a shot, at least.

    I hope it helps.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Is your map set up with the proper tool set? Select Map Properties form the File menu, and make sure the correct style is set in this dialog. For a DD3 map, that would be 'Dungeon DD3 Color'.
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    I have had the same thing happen, and its always a matter of it being the wrong tool set.
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