Old Parchment Map Look

Ive seen some examples of maps converted to a monotone, brownish old parchment appearance. Not sure how that is done. Help?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    There is an annual issue. Look in these forums for my Northern Hemisphere on Crestar. On my cell phone so I can't look up which issue it is. I think I mentioned the issue number in the posts I made.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited October 2017
    There are other ways, too, especially if you use effects to give your map a certain look. For example, you can use a parchment bitmap fill style as the background for a map (or no background at all if you plan to print it on parchment!) and use the Mike Schley Inks style that comes with CC3+. "ink style" symbols don't have colored fills. They just look like someone drew symbols with a pen. You can apply an RGB Matrix effect to the whole map, and choose the "Sepia" preset. And, of course, you can always tweak values after that.

    To see an example of what I mean, check out this video tutorial by Joe Sweeney. He starts talking about using the effect around the 1:35 mark, but it's always worth watching his videos all the way through, too.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I got the thread title off a bit: Crestar, continent called Flat, CA128 and CC3 overland maps

    They look like large islands, but are really continents, except the islands in the upper right corner. Last png file on that page.
  • So there is no way after the fact to take a full color map and just "wash it out"?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You can change the background bitmap fill at any time. Change the map symbols to. Fonts for the lettering. Thats what makes this software better than a paint program. The infinte number of ways a finished map can be altered.
  • edited October 2017
    Posted By: rgrove0172So there is no way after the fact to take a full color map and just "wash it out"?
    You CAN apply a Sepia tone or even black and white to an existing color map -

    1. Go to Drawing Sheets and Effects

    2. Effects that apply to..... click the Whole Drawing option

    3. Add the RGB Matrix effect and change it to Sepia or Grey for a black and white map
  • edited October 2017
    You can change the whole map.

    After the map is made, add a RGB Matrix effect using the sepia preset to the whole map.
    --Select "Whole Drawing" in the sheets and effects dialog.
    --Add the RGB Matrix effect, click Predefined, select sepia.
    --The effect won't show until after you've closed the sheets and effects dialog box.

    Ninja'd by Lorelei. :D
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