CC3+ crashing when I minimize a map

I'm working on a map for the lite mappers challenge over at the guild. We are mapping the Caverns of Chaos... each of us has a specific section.

I started the map, but then I didn't like where it was going, and decided to start over. I already have the two floors of my part of the cave mapped on the previous version, and it was painstaking to create each of those floors as one continuous piece. My two floors in this dungeon are not connected, but are on separate levels of elevation, so I'm trying to show that in my map. I realized I messed up in the beginning, and that I should have set it up like Shessar's Cliffs, which she showed me so many moons ago :D.

The problem I'm having is this: Since I have already drawn out the cave floors, I want to import them from my previous attempt. So what I've been trying to do, is to open the previous map, minimize it, then open the new map, so that when I need to import, I can move between the two maps. But every time I minimize attempt #1, I get the message that 'fcw.exe has stopped working and needs to close.'

I figured that maybe that fcw had somehow become corrupt, so I decided to start the new map, get it to where I'm ready to import the first floor, then minimize attempt#2 to open attempt #1, copy my floor, close out attempt #1, then bring up attempt #2 and place my floor as normal. So I got my new map to the point where I was ready to import the cave floor, and minimized it... only to get the dreaded 'fcw.exe has stopped working and needs to close.', and like an idiot, I didn't save before I tried to open the new map. So now I have to replace all those rocks....again...

But I won't be able to import the cave floors if the program keeps crashing every time I minimize a map. Is this something that a repair install will fix?


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited October 2017
    Personally, I can't say if a repair install will fix the problem — my guess is that it's an issue with the map file and not the program — but it probably won't hurt, either.
    Do you actually minimize the program or do you just open a new instance?
    Are you using any 3rd party material or is it just ProFantasy stuff?
    Have you tried using SAVE AS to save the problem file as a new FCW?
    Also, you don't need two instances of CC3 open to copy from one map to another. You can copy to the clipboard, close map 1, open map 2, and then paste.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    When you say 'Minimize a map', are you trying to minimize the actual map windows INSIDE of CC3+? (I noticed that will crash CC3+ for me too on some maps)
    If so, don't do that, because CC3+ can only have on map open at any time anyway, so once you open a new map, the minimized one will be closed no matter what. If you want to have both maps open, you need two separate instances of CC3+, and then minimize the entire CC3+ windows instead. As Dogtag says though, you don't need to have both open at once.
  • yes, I was trying to minimize the map window inside cc3+, and it crashes with any map I have up... I've tried it with three different maps, now and it crashes every time.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited October 2017
    Seems like a bug, but as I said, don't do it, as it won't really help you anyway, since when you open a new map, the minimized one will be closed anyway. Minimizing only really servers a point when you have multiple windows open on the same map, CC3+ can't have two different maps open in the same instance anyway. Just open a new CC3+ instance instead.
  • Oh, don't worry, I had to completely redo my cavern floors anyway. For some reason, even when I did everything right (and believe me, I checked three separate times!) I had an issue with copying my old cavern floor to the new map. It ended up sitting on top of the grid, even though the grid is farther down in the sheet order, sheet effects wouldn't work on the import, even though I checked three times, to make sure it was on the correct sheet and layer, and it wouldn't line up right on the new map, and kept snapping to the wrong place, even after I turned the snap off!

    I remember that when I was working on the first version of the map in question, there was a power surge that ran though the house, followed by a power outage that lasted for about 2 hours. (It went through the whole region) It cut my laptop off just as I was saving. I think that may have corrupted the file.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: LadieStormIt cut my laptop off just as I was saving. I think that may have corrupted the file.
    This is where the autosave is helpful. Loding the autosave drawing can often save you lots of lost work in situations like these.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited October 2017
    Monsen pointed out:This is where the autosave is helpful.
    This is where laptop batteries are helpful.  :D
  • I have a laptop battery... it's IN the laptop! I'm just one of those people that I usually keep my laptop plugged in when I'm at home.... because I'm on it so much! The laptop cut off to prevent damage, which is fantastic, because I can't afford to replace it right now.

    Anyway, I didn't like the way the first version of the map was going, so I was already planning to redo it. So it's not that big of a deal.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Interesting. If my laptop cuts power from the AC adapter, it just switches to battery. Maybe it's a setting. *shrug* I was mostly joking anyway.  :D
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    It should automatically switch over, but sometimes computers do what they want.
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