FT3 to CC3 export detail

I watched Joe Sweeny's videos on FT and exporting your map into CC. In his videos he is using older versions of the software but when he brings the map from FT to CC it carries over the level of coastline detail For me, using FT3 and CC3+ that is not happening. CC3+ smooths out the coastlines a lot. I get no where near the level of detail. The Europe Export option is no longer there but I read somewhere to use Altitude High Detail which I am. But when I get it to CC3 the coastline is smooth and the colors of the terrain are blocky. I know I wouldn't see the relief of the mountains which is fine. I am going to overlay symbols from CC3 anyway but I wanted to have that level of detail and at least coloring come over. Is there a way to do this? Is CC3 somehow not as good as CC2? Or is there problem with FT3? Thanks.

PS. I am using a demo version of FT so I am thinking that may be the issue? Does it have a limited capability to output? I really wish I could see what it was capable of before buying it as this would be the main reason I want it.

Attached example of what I am getting in CC3+


  • I have full version of the program.
    Attach the file here and I can see what is going on.

    One of the best things with FT is to make lots of changes with the altitude and add more colors to it to make it more realistic. More like CC3 maps you are used to seeing.

    Oh and as for CC3 it is heads above what CC2 was. Can't even compare the two.

    For starters go into World Settings>Primary>Play with what you want here.

    Also go to Map>Lighting and Colour>Altitude. I choose 9 or more colours for my landmass. Sometimes I will add in a really small percentage of altitude to add in sandy beaches at or near sea level.

    How are you saving it?
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    The demo version of FT3+ is limited to 128 samples across for CC3 exports and for image exports. The limits on the full version are much higher.
  • Thanks Jslayton. I had a feeling that was the issue. Thanks for the offer cobra but it sounds like my issue is the demo. I had tried reducing the colors and flattening the image be removing shading and blend thinking that may help. But it does sound like I will get the desired result if I purchase the full version. Just wish I could see it in action at least once before purchasing.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    Go to the world map in the community atlas, and grab the .fcw for the world map. (You can also get the ft file from the site if you wish). That is a pure FT export (only some hyperlinks added) and shows how the FT export looks. Note that that export is a full world export, you can get more details from a region by making a zoomed in export of that region only.
  • Cool. Thanks. My goal is to use the layer feature to create my world and have linked maps zooming in to more and more detailed sections. Really looking forward to being able to do this.
  • In the meant time I figure I will practive with the imported FT map just to get the feel for how the tools work together. I am attempting now to add terrains over the map that I imported to CC3 from FT3. Whats odd is they appear to be missing their fills, at least for the style I want which is the Annual Herwin Wielink. It works fine on a map I created from scratch in CC3 but I can't seem to find the fill which is called Forest Large_C64 when I switch to my FT3 imported map. The fill drop down is blank when I come into the custom tool properties which is odd to begin with. Then in the drop down the fills for this one style seem to be absent. Any ideas?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited October 2017
    Fills needs to be set up in a map before they can be used. The easiest way to import fill styles is to create a new map of the style with the fill styles, and then save it. Then, take your map exported from FT3, and in that map, use Draw -> Insert file, and select the file you just created for insertion. But, instead of placing the file in your drawing when prompted, simply hit Esc to abort the insertion. Even if the file was never inserted, the fact that you got as far as holding it at your cursor means that the fill styles were imported.

    Fill styles can also be imported through Tools -> Import bitmap fill styles, but the method described above is better, since it will include other settings from the definition, such as scaling.
  • edited October 2017
    Posted By: MonsenFills needs to be set up in a map before they can be used. The easiest way to import fill styles is to create a new map of the style with the fill styles, and then save it. Then, take your map exported from FT3, and in that map, use Draw -> Insert file, and select the file you just created for insertion. But, instead of placing the file in your drawing when prompted, simply hit Esc to abort the insertion. Even if the file was never inserted, the fact that you got as far as holding it at your cursor means that the fill styles were imported.

    Fill styles can also be imported through Tools -> Import bitmap fill styles, but the method described above is better, since it will include other settings from the definition, such as scaling.
    WORKED PERFECTLY! Thank you!
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