An underground lake battle map - photorealistic

So, FINALLY my PCs are heading underground....deep underground in search of a lost city, where within it's ruins lies a hidden pool of water....another pool blessed by the goddess of Singing Groves and Standing Waters. In my homebrew world, the world known as the Underdark in D&D lore is known as the Darkbelow. So, ive begun working on a few random encounter maps for their travels through the perilous world below. Here, the PCs will more than likely be ambushed by creatures on the far cliffs, or some water creatures, as they cross the bridges over the strange dark waters of the Darkbelow Lake, a large lake that weaves its way almost river-like throughout the upper regions of the Darkbelow..... (frame and labeling for your pleasure, as my PCs will get this one on Roll20 - and I HATE using a grid on my maps)


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