New to using the Software

I've read through the CC3 essentials .pdf and there were a couple of questions I had that I didn't find an answer for. Right now I'm at the very beginning of my map and have created the outlines of my continent and the surrounding island with the fractal default landmass tool. Basically the first question that came to mind is what is the best way to make small edits to the coastline of this continent?
The second, is there any "land" brush tool? The best way I would describe such a feature is how you create land/desert/water in old games like Age of Empires in their map creators. I just want to select a land template and use it as a paint brush to put that kind of ground exactly where I want it.
third, and less urgent since I won't be adding towns until my geographical features are sorted out, is there any way to change the colors on the roofs of the little town sprites? I'd like to keep track of which towns belong to which factions and having the towns a different color seems a good way to do it. Definitely open to alternative ideas though.

Thanks for any help guys and I'm very excited to learn this software better, it seems exactly like what I was hoping for!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited September 2017
    1. For edits, use the same tool as you used to draw the coastline. Notice that when you start it (before placing the first node), the command line offers the choice e - edit. Simply hit e, and follow the prompts on the command line. You can read more about this in the manual, there is a chapter about editing with draw tools.

    2. CC3(+) isn't an image editing tool, and doesn't have such tools. To "paint" terrain, use a drawing tool for that terrain (or set fill style manually, and use the basic polygon tools). Everything in CC3 is based on individual shapes (entities) that you draw using the various drawing tools. You should be able to place terrain exactly where you want it using these tools however, but you do need to draw shapes, as opposed to using a brush-type tool.

    3. Most overland symbol sets have varicolor versions of the symbols (often "hidden away" in a collection, so you need to click the little + in the corner first). The varicolor versions follows whatever color you have set as the current color on the status bar.
  • Monsen thanks for your help!

    Unfortunately I'm not great with computers in general so getting into new programs is always a big of a slow process for me, but what you've told me here should do a lot!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You're welcome.

    Just keep in mind that CC3+ is a CAD-based software, so it will behave different from an image editor most of the time.

    I recommend you work through the entire manual, and not just the Quick Start guide.

    And welcome to the community.
  • The manual is useful. So are the various tutorials on YouTube (especially Joe Sweeney's, for the beginner).
  • First off, welcome to the forums. You won't find a nicer, more helpful bunch anywhere. This is not your typical internet forum -- no one judges, there are no flame wars, and everyone is supportive and friendly. As I've said elsewhere, the only trolls here are those on our maps and in our games!

    I've been using the software for almost a year, so I still feel I'm a relative newbie, and I will say that the most important thing is to forget everything you already know about any art programs and get in the mindset that this is a CAD program. CC3+ can do astonishing things, but it can be very frustrating and the learning curve can be more of a learning cliff (to steal another poster's comment). Use the manual, use the tutorials and the videos. For me, I found the best way was to learn one command at a time. You will not possibly ever learn and understand all the commands and functions of the program at once, so don't despair or give up. You can always come here if you get stuck and can't figure something out. And even if you don't post or don't post often, follow these forums, as you can pick up plenty of tips and tricks from other posters, plus get to see what other people are doing and maybe get some inspiration.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    There are a number of posts here that wind up being tutorials.
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