Sybco Genetics Lab

So right now, I'm running a mech warrior game, and on the abandoned world of Capryse, which is posted here, my players came across an underground clan genetics medical lab. Unfortunately, I've hit an impasse, because a lot of the stuff I need, I don't know where to find it, of if there are symbols for it. But here is what I have so far:


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    If you need storage, the containers and treasure boxes for the dungeon symbol sets could be used. Too bad some of those aren't vari-color, they could be changed to gray to simulate metal.

    Do you have Annual issues 67 and 70 ? Those include space bitmap fills of various types. I used one of them for the fuel in a Traveller free trader I posted on here last year. There are also metal floor bitmap fills. I'm looking at the example ship for Issue 67. It has some bitmap fills that could be used for metal boxes. There are also warning signs that could be used for various rooms in your map.
  • no, I haven't been able to get those annuals. But what I'm really looking for: medical lab machinery. Medical refrigeration, microscopes, seperators, modern test tubes, that type of thing. Also something g that could pass for recovery tank....a bakta tank? Something like that.
  • Love the modern style! :-)

    I remember when Battletech came out. I still have the Battletech boxed sets in my garage. ;-)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited September 2017
    Posted By: LadieStormno, I haven't been able to get those annuals. But what I'm really looking for: medical lab machinery. Medical refrigeration, microscopes, seperators, modern test tubes, that type of thing. Also something g that could pass for recovery tank....a bakta tank? Something like that.
    Lets see, I'm looking at CosA, Cosmographer symbol set, and it has a number of medical symbols.

    Crash cart, several cryogenic tanks, surgery and sick bay beds, various objects that could be multi-use.

    No separators, no test tubes, nor microscopes.

    Some of the CosA weapons and engineering symbols could be shrunk down and labeled medical gear. Particularly the laser cannon, they look like surgical gear.

    Someone more familiar with the ship/deckplan symbols will have to chime in.
  • LadieStorm: I've come across a package on RPGNow which although designed for use in Virtual Table Top (VTT) software, primarily "Fantasy Grounds", does seem to include a zipped file of transparent background PNG artwork as well, called Sci-fi Props & Gadgets by WyldFurr, and which does seem to include, from the limited information, some of the items you've been asking about. Irritatingly though, there isn't a complete list of items, and I don't have a copy of it, so it may be a bit of a gamble. The style of what examples there are does seem to fit your map format, at least.
  • Try looking through the Miscellaneous Albums of the Modern and Sci-Fi galleries on RPG Mapshare. It takes a bit of time to sift through everything, but I'm pretty sure there are some med lab sorts of objects in there.

    This looks pretty cool so far. :)
  • I will keep those two in mind. I won't be able to do anything about it until my internet is installed. But I will look, thanks!
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