CC3+ will not open - Solved
🖼️ 46 images Mapmaker
So i really can't even remember which map i was working on, as i've been flipping all over the place....but, today i couldn't open cc3+ directly or any map. I rebooted and was able to open a map....but then again after i closed the last map and tried to open a map later on nothing. I ran the update again...and it still won't open ANY map - i've tried just about ALL of them at this point and have rebooted my computer umpteen times. Any ideas? This has happened once before about a year ago and I think Joe maybe emailed me a fix, but i searched and can't find it - and there's been a few updates since then.
Is it giving you any particular error message and crashing, is it just not opening CC3+, is it opening in CC3, or is the problem something else entirely?
One thing that you can try is to rename your map file that CC3+ is trying to automatically open at startup so that CC3+ can't find it. If CC3+ starts, then try manually opening the map using File>>Open.
I made some mistakes that cased some confusion around the initial release of update 13. There was a very quick iteration on update 13 that yielded version 3.79. Please make sure that you have that one installed.
I've tried to rename the maps i'd been working on. No luck. I'm horrified at the thought of a reinstall. gulp.
Have you tried restarting your computer?
If you go to task manager after trying to open CC3+, do you see the process running?
Any thoughts?