FT3 issue; map buffers at altitude of 0, then stops. All land gone.

Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with one of my FT3 maps (landmasses originally produced and edited in FT3, exported to Wilbur, eroded, re-imported back as binary into FT3, climates edited to add deserts, etc. All with no issues; file opened and close multiple times without issue).

It has suddenly (I changed the file location just before this issue arose, however) begun to not load properly in FT3. Upon opening the file, the program will buffer downwards along the screen, filling in pixels at altitude of 0. No land is loaded, leaving an entirely blue (altitude 0 colour).

Does anyone know what this issue is, how it has arisen and if it can be rectified to recover my map? File can be attached if needed.


  • Okay, so returning the map to its original location fixed the problem. Why is the location of the file crucial to its working if I'm double-clicking on it to open; it's not like the program should be unable to find it?
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    When you make a binary world, FT doesn't import the data into the ftw file: it stores the file name (including path) in the ftw file. Moving the binary data file will cause the link to fail, which make FT go a little stupid (it doesn't crash anymore when this happens, which is nice). If you would like to keep the data in the ftw file and are willing to live with potentially limited resolution, you can use Tools>>Actions>>Burn In To Surface to sample your binary file at the current editing resolution.
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