Crestar, continent called Flat, CA128 and CC3 overland maps
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
No mountains on this continent on this northern Hemisphere of Crestar continent. Not much on either one.
One CC3 overland map and one CA128 map. Which one looks better ?
One CC3 overland map and one CA128 map. Which one looks better ?
Might be worth moving that "Grata Forest" label on it just a little though, so the coastline doesn't cut the "G" and "r"?
Number two
The thick outline is part of the default landmass tool. I will probably thin it up a bit.
Whats this all about ? Well, I think the CA128 style will look good for my hemisphere maps. So I was thinking of making them into this style.
Having played around with the CA128 package a little more myself now, you might want to try using some of the varicolour town symbols for those places you'd originally marked as ports with the anchor symbols.
Along with varicolor cities, you might think of drawing a poly with a "solid 10 bitmap" fill (or solid 20) and an "Edge Fade, Inner" effect for the Death Deep.
I agree with everyone here. The CA128 style looks really nice on these maps, and I would be an advocate of using vc symbols for the settlements to make them stand out more. I also like the hot/cold water currents shown in the first map. Could you incorporate those into the new one? Perhaps quite faintly beneath the land sheet.
And put the treasure map Xs back in as well. Those tie in with my portals for B4 The Lost City redo.
Not sure if my southern hemisphere will be changed to this or not.