School atlas' type of symbols for CC3

I am looking for the type of symbols you would find in an old fashioned school atlas for maps at approx 1:1000000 to 1.:3000000, i.e. mainly red (or red and black) squares and circles of different sizes for cities and towns.

I have tried to create my own, as outlined in the CC3 manual but they just do not look right
(and I have problems saving my own made symbols as .fcw - they save as .fsc, and if I use more than one colour then Define New Symbol Dialog does not open)

Thank you!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    There is a symbol catalog in @Symbols\Other\Geometry.FSC that contains circles and squares (and other shapes). It only have one size though, but you can just use different scales, for example 1 for cities, 0.8 for towns, and so on, or whatever fits your map.
    Posted By: pvs@vsmg.comand I have problems saving my own made symbols as .fcw - they save as .fsc
    Symbol catalogs are supposed to save as .fsc, that is the extension for symbol catalogs, and the default filter used when you manually open a symbol catalog (through the open button immediately above of the symbol catalog window)
    Posted By: pvs@vsmg.comand if I use more than one colour then Define New Symbol Dialog does not open
    That sounds very weird, never heard about such a problem before. Are you sure you complete the command properly (i.e. right click and select "Do It" after selecting the parts of the new symbol you wish to define?
  • Thank you very much. I will try this.
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