import pngs to get fsc files ?
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I have some Dundjinni files I want to make symbol set out of.
In the CC3+ help file, it says select the folder/path the pngs are in.
The Symbol Manager Import Pngs does one of the tgings below.
If I select Relative to CC3 path, it wants pngs.
If I select absolute path, it does seem to look for pngs in the path I copied and pasted in @Symbols\Maps\Campaign & Large Scale\ but no pngs found and no symbols created.
What am I doing wrong ?
In the CC3+ help file, it says select the folder/path the pngs are in.
The Symbol Manager Import Pngs does one of the tgings below.
If I select Relative to CC3 path, it wants pngs.
If I select absolute path, it does seem to look for pngs in the path I copied and pasted in @Symbols\Maps\Campaign & Large Scale\ but no pngs found and no symbols created.
What am I doing wrong ?
Create two folders under Symbols\User in your CC3+ data directory. For this, I assume they are named TEMP and SYMBOLS
Copy the original png's to @Symbols\User\TEMP
In the import bitmap files dialog, use the following settings
Source folder: @Symbols\User\TEMP
Make Path: Relative to CC3 path
Create other resolutions: Checked
Copy to folder: checked, and path set to @Symbols\User\SYMBOLS
Since they where originally dundjinni symbols, set Files are: High
Symbol Origin: Middle Center
Clicking OK should import the symbols properly, including creating multi-resolution files. When you are done, you can delete @Symbols\User\TEMP with all contents, since the symbol catalog will use the new files under @Symbols\User\SYMBOLS
Note that the process can take a bit of time, especially if there are many symbols. You'll probably see a taskbar button flashing on and off while the process is going on, just leave CC3+ be untill the dialog pops up telling you how many symbols it made.
Processed 0 PNG files, and the symbols already exist is zero, zero created and zero deleted.
But if I import the two pngs into the symbol viewer on the left side of CC3+ and then place them in a map, I can them go to the Symbol Manager and save them as a fsc.
I assume you are running under the latest update (3.76 for now)?
Could you send me those source .png's so I can check out what happens with them?
Also note that the procedure never creates the .fsc, it only imports them into the current drawing. To get a .fsc, you must go to the symbol manager after importing, select all the symbols and do a save as catalog OR if you want all the symbols int he current map anyway, simply do a save as and savwe it as a symbol catalog.
I can go ahead and import the pngs into a blank template and create one or several sc files.
Since you already have the files in _HI, _LO and _VL, you don't need to create the other resolutions. In that case, you should simply just copy all the files to SYMBOLS (from the example above) instead, and use @Symbols\User\SYMBOLS as the source folder, and NOT have create other resolutions checked.
(Empty the SYMBOLS folder for other files first, each symbol catalog you make should have a folder of it's own without any existing symbols in it [Obviously don't delete symbols from folders with are used by actual working symbol catalogs])
Are those arches part of the CSUAC or Dundjinni Archives btw? If they are, there should already be symbol catalogs for them. I looked for them, but couldn't find them
I also noticed that those are isometric symbols. I don't know if you plan on using it with the atlas maps or not, but just remember that we don't have the right to redistribute any dundjinni symbols, so unless they are part of the Dundjinni Archives or CSUAC, they cannot be used in atlas maps. Also note that if they are in those collections and you intend to use them in atlas maps, they must be used from their original location, so you should use the existing symbol catalogs where everything is set up properly.
@\Symbols\Dundjinni Archives\BL10_Overland Symbols is their location.
The ones I was trying to make .fscf files for are in @\Symbols\Maps\Campaign & Large Scale folder.
But I recommend using @Symbols\Dundjinni Archives\BL10_Overland Symbols\BL10_arches.fsc catalog, as this is more compatible with other installations (and especially important for atlas maps)