Seeking Advice: Creating a Handrawn Map Handout



  • Can someone try the HSV on an inserted image? I've tried lightness values from 25 > 500% and I don't see any changes. I've hidden all other sheet so I know it's ont he right sheet... I'm guess the effects don't work on inserted images.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    edited June 2017
    How weird?


    I do seem to remember that I had to turn an image into a fill to get it to react to my desire to turn it transparent once, but I thought it was just me *shrug*.

    If you want to turn an imported image into a fill and use it as a fill instead, you first have to convert it to a png outside of CC3. Then place it in your own folder in the fills folder somewhere. Then you need to import it as a fill into the map you want to use it in (and I would suggest creating different resolutions as part of the process at that stage), and scale it to exactly the number of map units wide and tall as the map itself is as you import it (eg if your map is 1000 by 800 scale the fill to 1000 x 800 as you import it). That way, when you draw a rectangle on the sheet that the paper should be on and fill it with your new paper fill it will automatically be the right scale to fill the map exactly once and once only - no awkward joins or fiddling around because its not a seamless fill.

    (This method totally relies on the fact that you have sensibly created a map that is the same approximate proportions as the paper you created in the first place, or you will get it stretched either in the x or y direction because of differences in the proportions between the paper image and the map size.)

    Joe might know a better way. In fact there is almost certainly a better way. My methods are usually the result of trial and error, and are often slightly eccentric! LOL!
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    Making the parchment into a fill for a box is probably the best way to do it. Symbols usually don't behave correctly with regards to most of the filters.
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