More symbols for 2017 Annual Old West?

Any way Pär Lindström would release more symbols for this? Bridges, corrals, covered wagons, horses, etc? So many possibilities.


  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    edited June 2017
    I am currently working on some additions that I consider to be rural North American icons. However, they work really nicely with Par's symbol set.


    I plan on getting around 30-40 of these done, maybe more since I like to have at least 3 variations on a given animal, but then I have the problem of deciding how to distribute them. My initial thought is to sell them as PNGs licensed for publication on DrivethruRPG, but I'm a greenhorn and perhaps there are better options.

    Anyhow, thought you'd be happy to see something in the works :)

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    If you decide to give them away, I can host them for free. Or you could set up a web site, with a cart, and sell them that way. Note I have no idea how to set up a cart on a web site.
  • These look great. Let us know what you decide, Topdecker
  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    Thanks Jim and Quenten. I think that I will just work it to ~50 pieces and then think about it. Here's my motivating influence:

    Yeah, the map from the TV show Bonanza.

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread, dudeslife

  • Posted By: TopdeckerThanks Jim and Quenten. I think that I will just work it to ~50 pieces and then think about it. Here's my motivating influence:

    Yeah, the map from the TV show Bonanza.

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread, dudeslife

    I need a well also.. the more I dig into the Old West, the more Im finding it's missing.. :)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When we visited relatives in west Texas in the 1950s. they had just installed an electric pump for water. So a wind powered one will work fine until then. The water out there is deeper in most places than a hand dug well can reach.

    Using my cell phone.
  • ok back to my original question...

    Is there a way to request/beg/pay Par Lindstrom to expand his Old West symbols catalog. I see that it was done in other annuals. Did this just happen spontaneously or was it through requests? There are a lot of symbol possibilities (corrals, horses, trains, tracks, cabins, windmills, wells, troughs, hitching posts, etc etc). This the most unique map Ive seen in any of the annuals and it deserves some attention :)

    Does anyone agree?
  • Posted By: QuentenYes
    alright. now we are getting somewhere..
  • caveCrawlercaveCrawler Traveler
    edited June 2017
    Ok I sent a request to par[dot]lindstrom[at]imaginarymaps[dot]se and I encourage others who want to see some Old West expansion to do the same. This is what I sent:


    Would you consider expanding your Old West Map Tools/Symbols that you did for CC3+ Annual 2017? It is a truly unique mapping experience and I, and probably many others would gladly pay $$ for an expansion with lots more symbols like corrals, stables, horses, covered wagons, drinking water wells, water troughs, windmills, horse hitching posts, etc.. The symbol possibilities from old western movies are endless. Please consider this.


    I don't know if this is the way to get an expansion made, hopefully Ralf will chime in to this post and let us know how to do it.
  • Ok if anyone cares, Par Lindstrom replied and told me that he also believes there are quite a few possibilities to expand the Old West style and that he will talk to ProFantasy to see if they would be interested in doing an add-on. He can't promise anything though.
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