Purchase CC3+ or is a CC4 in the near future?

I'm looking to purchase Campaign Cartographer and I see that CC3+ is the latest version.
But this version has been available for awhile
So before I make my purchase would like to know if a newer CC4 is in the works for the near future?



  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    AFAIK, there's no official word on CC4; although I'm sure there are ideas, and maybe some development started, I doubt we'll see it for at least a couple of years, but that's just my opinion.
    Annuals 1 through 7 were recently ported to CC3+, and according to the transition page work should currently be focused on Dioramas and the Source Maps: https://secure.profantasy.com/products/transition.asp
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    CC3+ is an excellent program, no need for us to zoom to a newer version yet.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I agree with you Jim. I usually exhaust new software within a couple of months, but I'm still learning about all the things CC3 can do a year after buying it :)
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Same for me, Loopysue. I usually master a program pretty quickly and even get bored with it, but several months into it with CC3+ and I still feel like a complete dummy most days. lol! There's just so much to learn and so much that the darn thing can do.
  • Posted By: JimPCC3+ is an excellent program, no need for us to zoom to a newer version yet.
    Besides, we might have to again wait for all the annuals to be converted... #TheHorror
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited May 2017
    The best bit for me is being able to build my own symbol catalogues using my own artwork - that's a never ending source of new material and entertainment.

    And... I don't have any of the annuals, so you could say the core programs CC3+ with the main add ons (CD3 and DD3) is all you really need.
  • So I would be mainly using this for Pathfinder and creating towns and dungeons, and maybe the occasional land overview.
    Looking at the different bundles
    Top 3: CC3+, DD3, CD3
    World Builder: CC3+, DD3, CD3 & Fractal Terrains
    Fantasy: CC3+, DD3, CD3, Character Artist, Dioramas, Symbol Set 1 Overland, Symbol Set 2 Floorplans

    What are the Annuals? What do they offer?

    While the Fantasy Bundle looks nice, I don't see myself using the Character Artist or Dioramas pieces.
    And there are pieces of the Master Mapper which to me should be part of the Fantasy bundle, Source Maps: Castles, Source Maps: Cities, Source Maps: Temples, Tombs & Catacombs

    Based on bundles I'm looking at either of the 2
    Top 3, The Source Maps Bundle, Symbol Set 1 & 2 for a total of $250 ish
    Fantasy Mapper, The Source Maps Bundle for a total of $300 ish
    The second bundle I would also be getting the Character Artist & Dioramas for the $50 more.

    And seeing as I probably won't use either of these 2 I'm leaning towards this first 2 bundle sets and adding the Symbols

    What do they offer the Symbol Sets? Are they worth getting? Or do you have plenty of symbols out of the box from the Top 3 Bundle and the Source Maps Bundle?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I came at mapping from the point of view of a writer, so I'm not really all that knowledgeable about RPG - only what I've picked up here by reading posts made by Game Masters, but if you are already a reasonable artist capable of drawing your own png image symbols, then I'd say the Top 3 is more than sufficient to start with. You can always purchase other add ons and symbol sets further down the road if you don't fancy making your own, and there are vast collections you can download for free, available from the Resources thread at the top of the forum. Literally thousands of them.

    The annuals offer (as I understand it) a vast resource of new styles to add to the main core programme styles, and with them all the extra symbols and fills that are part of each new style. You can mix and match between styles within CC3, so the combinations are practically infinite - especially if you want to add your own art to the mix. (a style, by the way, is characterised by the style of the symbols and fills, and also all the drawing tools and style specific instructions on how to do things a particular way - again, this is only as I understand it from reading the comments made by people who have the annuals)

    I only have what amounts to the Top 3, plus FT3 (which I use to generate new worlds) and Perspectives (which I haven't really used to date through lack of time). I do, however, use whole loads of my own fills and symbols to compensate for any shortfall of symbols and fills compared to other mappers who have the whole set.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2017
    Posted By: joepacelliWhat are the Annuals? What do they offer?
    Annuals are a really mixed bag of stuff. They are smaller add-ons that are published each month (a subscription contains all 12 issues in any given calendar year, if you buy subscriptions for previous years, you get all issues immediately). They offer new mapping styles, tutorials, maps, and much more. Check out the annual pages to see what they contain.
    Posted By: joepacelliWhat do they offer the Symbol Sets? Are they worth getting? Or do you have plenty of symbols out of the box from the Top 3 Bundle and the Source Maps Bundle?
    It depends on your needs, but the most important thing to realize about the symbol sets is that they contain new mapping styles, not additional symbols to the styles provided in CC3/CD3/DD3. I like them, because they offer variation in your maps, but they are not essential for starting out.
    As for the Source Maps series, they are mostly all about finished maps (most of them based on or inspired by real locations). They do contain some symbols and tools too (although they haven't been converted to CC3+ yet).
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited May 2017
    Posted By: Barliman
    Posted By: JimPCC3+ is an excellent program, no need for us to zoom to a newer version yet.
    Besides, we might have to again wait for all the annuals to be converted... #TheHorror
    Indeed. The Horror.

    Anyway, I started years ago with CC2. I threw my maps together, and they looked it. I'm using CC3 with some work done in CC3+ now.

    The Annuals have introduced me to new mapping styles and methods. You get 12 issues, one each month. They not only cover Fantasy, they also cover Traveller and a few other SF games.

    But that isn't all they do, they also introduce you to different ways of doing things.

    I have everything Profantasy makes.

    I use CC3/CC3+ to make my Crestar world. The 2 hemispheres were started in Fractal Terrains 3, exported and modified in CC3. Regions, countrys, cities, towns, and dungeons are beng made in CC3/CC3+. I had a little over 2,000 maps done in CC2. I have replaced all of the surface maps made in CC2, which were 185 x 234 mile parts of the surface. The dungeons/adventures need to be redone in CC3 or CC3+.

    On my Traveller site, I have a few thousand worlds all exports from FT3. i have 2 small ships and a ship's boat I made in CC3/Cosmographer add-on. Along with a large Bussard Ram Jet starship that is miles long I started in CC2 and continue in CC3.

    I am not an artist. For me to draw a circle I would need software or a compass with point and pencil on it.

    Currently there are about 1,000 maps on my Crerstar site.

    Not many maps there yet, but linked on my Crestar site are my Tunnels and Trolls, The Fantasy Trip, and Wizard's Realm ( from a gaming group in Biloxi, Mississippi) sites. My Traveler site also links to my 'past and future Mars' site which has some futuristic Mars maps, and when I get to it some Space:1889 ! maps and work.

    My main doman is my Mazes and Minotaurs site with both Europe and Viking areas. It used to be my drive-in movie theater site, which is why the url is what it is.

    While some folks here go for fantasticly beautiful maps, I tend to go for less detailed maps. It all depends on what you want to do.

    Look around these forums and see what others have done, ask them what they used to make the maps you like. That info can help you decide what packages to get.

    'Ad Astra !'
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    Posted By: joepacelliSo I would be mainly using this for Pathfinder and creating towns and dungeons, and maybe the occasional land overview.
    Based on this, I'd suggest you go with the Top 3, which will give you a great start for creating towns and dungeons.

    After that, I'd prioritize the following:
    Tome of Ultimate Mapping, so you can learn how to best use the software.
    SS2 (Floorplans) and SS4 (Dungeons); depending on how occasional your overland mapping is, you can also consider SS1.
    Annuals (you may want to review which ones suit your needs, and which ones you like best.

    Perspectives, if you want to create such kind of maps.
    FT3, if you plan on mapping entire worlds.

    Since you're focusing on Pathfinder, I think that's all, as you mentioned no interest in CA or Dioramas.
    Source Maps are nice, but *probably* won't add much for your fantasy campaign (except maybe some ideas for castles, etc).
    Cosmographer and SS3 are useful for modern/sci-fi stuff, so useless to you at the moment.
  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    I like the annuals - and hence owning all of them - because they teach you a lot about mapping styles. It has caused me to go back and look at historic maps completely differently and I appreciate the education probably as much as having the resources.

    On the downside, the styles provided by the annuals are generally limited, so if you really like one you are almost certainly going to have to roll your sleeves up and expand it to match your needs. Getting the weight of lines correct and otherwise matching a given style can take some experimentation, but once you get it right, it is nice to build up and personalize a style. I've got one set that I will eventually create more add-on materials than what came with the base group :)

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