Thank you all for your praise. Interesting how a real life map turns out - I might do another of the area I live in, at Emita, one day. But back to monasteries, Inns abd cities in the community atlas. :)
BTW, the frame was done for me by Lorelei - a very lovely and noble gesture.
Quenten, just a thought, but have you considered adapting this stunning map for the Nibirum Atlas?
The Killiekrankie Diamond Mountains in the north (diamond mines, or maybe even an entire mountain-sized diamond), the Tower of the Great Sage at Emita (naturally), the Dreaded Flying Talking Rams of Babel Island (no one can ever understand them, of course), the Lady Baronetcy in the south (a matriarchy where men are banished to the work camps at Trousers Point, say), the Patriarchs Enclave on the eastern shore - and tame dragons, air elementals, genii, giant eagles, rocs, pegasi or dwarven flying machines providing regular air services from the airport... The possibilities seem endless!
I would love to, but there is nowhere in Nibirum I can fit it, unless some bright spark (?Monsen) can come up with a location for it. But I absolutely love your ideas. I have every intention of adapting some of my past maps (a John Speed city, and an Inn from issue 3 of the Annuals) for the Atlas. But thanks for your compliments
This is just stunning work. It's easy to tell how much your home means to you. There's heart and soul in this map.
With me as a neophyte climbing the learning curve, would you mind sharing a very quick rundown of your workflow? For instance, did you start by pulling in real-world map data in using Fractal Terrains, or import an image and do a manual trace?
I traced over a google map of Flinders island, and used my own government issued paper map of the island to fill in all the details (plus my own knowledge of the island). Only wish I had room to put more photos of this stunning place.
If I want a fantasy land, I generate a world using Fractal terrains, and get it looking as good as possible; then export to CC3+, and go from there.
perhaps I should put up the Template I use for my FT generated maps. I do export climate and altitude details along with rivers, though i do alter these somewhat when i work on the CC3+ map. My world of Myirandios is such a case (just search for Myirandios) where I exported it in an AE Hemispheres projection
And thats a nice easy is that to produce?
BTW, the frame was done for me by Lorelei - a very lovely and noble gesture.
Wish i had time/spare money on taking a half world trip to visit you so you could show me all such beautifullness.
Oh, and the map is also nice aswell
The Killiekrankie Diamond Mountains in the north (diamond mines, or maybe even an entire mountain-sized diamond), the Tower of the Great Sage at Emita (naturally), the Dreaded Flying Talking Rams of Babel Island (no one can ever understand them, of course), the Lady Baronetcy in the south (a matriarchy where men are banished to the work camps at Trousers Point, say), the Patriarchs Enclave on the eastern shore - and tame dragons, air elementals, genii, giant eagles, rocs, pegasi or dwarven flying machines providing regular air services from the airport... The possibilities seem endless!
With me as a neophyte climbing the learning curve, would you mind sharing a very quick rundown of your workflow? For instance, did you start by pulling in real-world map data in using Fractal Terrains, or import an image and do a manual trace?
If I want a fantasy land, I generate a world using Fractal terrains, and get it looking as good as possible; then export to CC3+, and go from there.
perhaps I should put up the Template I use for my FT generated maps. I do export climate and altitude details along with rivers, though i do alter these somewhat when i work on the CC3+ map. My world of Myirandios is such a case (just search for Myirandios) where I exported it in an AE Hemispheres projection