Feature Request

It would be nice if there was better page control in the print dialog, especially for tiled print jobs. In some cases a print job may be interrupted part way through because of a power failure in the printer (or some other external reason). As a result the first few pages of the job may have been printed just fine, but the later pages were not printed (or printed partially, depending on the printer and the page). As is, you have to resend the whole print job in such cases, wasting ink and paper on copies of some pages which you already have. Ideally, you'd be able to resend only the pages which failed to print. As such, it would be nice to be able to specify which pages of the current print job setup will actually be sent to the printer (even if it's just a simple range of pages).


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    I could see that being useful.

    For now, one workaround here is to print large jobs to a pdf file first, then print the PDF file to the printer. Most PDF viewers have better control of exactly which pages to print.
    There are several free virual PDF printers on the market, like PDFCreator (Note that there is a problem with the 0.9.6 version)
  • While that is a work around (and one I've used in the past), it only works when you've planned ahead for the printer problem (which, to be honest, isn't something I necessarily think to plan for with a job that's smaller than a couple dozen pages). Otherwise the printer margins (which are different for PDFCreator and my printer) and the color of the images (sending the map through PDFCreator tends to wash out colors, I've found) get messed up.
  • I dislike printing to PDF as well because the software typically adds undesired whitespace around the map. Also, I have a large map tottering at about 8 MB and the print preview feature doesn't work at all. The window comes up blank and moving it causes either the print preview window to close or crashes CC3 entirely. Thankfully I use autosave religiously. I second Black Plague's request for this feature. The print handling could be more robust.
  • 4 months later
  • edited June 2009
    Personally I use this PDF Creator
    . It is also free and generates good PDF.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 34 images Surveyor
    I have finaly come accross an enhancment that I could use right away: .svg support.
  • 1 year later
  • Add me to the list of people wanting .svg support...

    Especially since SVG, like CC3 drawing, supports embedded bitmap.
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