Lack of detail transferring from FT to CC3+



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    In CC3(+)? If so, take care on what sheet you insert the image. For performance reasons, when you place soemthing, it will always appear on top, but once the map is redrawn (for example when you zoom), entities will display in their proper order according to the sheet it is on. So your image may be behind the background sheet or similar.
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    Yeah. It let me add a scale in the lower left. Then when I told it to redraw my FT jpg was gone. Back to original flat looking map.
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    I get this far (I know I need to resize the original CC map). and then it just disappears back to the original.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2017
    Just move the image to a better sheet. You'll probably find it easily if you just hide the BACKGROUND sheet (and maybe the various SEA and LAND sheets). Generally, it is best to switch to an appropriate sheet before inserting the image so you don't have to move it afterwards.
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    I've had similar struggles with the FT to CC3+ import issue. Saving and then importing a FT image gave me maps with solid color blotches, grids, and all sorts of unwanted things which I eventually figured out how to get rid of by hiding different sheets. But it was still not even close to looking like the beautiful FT maps I was generating. Eventually, I started saving my FT maps as high-resolution JPG files and importing them into CC3+ using the Draw>Import File option. I either import my JPGs onto a sheet I name TRACE, and then manually trace around the contour of my map and then go in and add everything I want (tedious, but it does allow for tweaking the FT map as I want). Then I just hide the TRACE sheet and I'm left with my FT map as re-drawn (manually) in CC3+. Still looks nothing like my FT map beyond the contour, but it works. If I just want to add a few symbols to a FT map and not actually redraw the whole thing, keeping all the little bumps and elevations and lakes as generated by FT, then I import the JPG image on the LAND sheet, add whatever buildings, trees, text, or whatever I want to as I would when creating a CC3+ map from scratch, and I'm done. Doing it this way, though, just note that you can't zoom in too far or else it quickly becomes very pixilated very quickly. If I use Terrains in areas I add the transparency effect with 35% opacity, so I get the terrain colors and effects but FT's original landmass still is clearly visible beneath. This has worked out well for me, but I'm still a ProFantasy neewbie, so I'm learning every day and with every map I draw. There may be better or faster or easier ways to do what I'm doing, but it's what works for me right now.

    Don't know if any of that is any help. Best of luck with your mapping and FT vs CC3 struggles!
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    ScottA yes, very helpful, yes, but Monsen, that did not work for me.
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    I'm getting the jpg in the map now but can't figure out how to size it so it fits exactly. LOL. Learning curve....
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    A learning curve, indeed! I just tried out different sizes and placements until I got the image where I wanted it in the CC3+ drawing window.
  • You can use the Scale tool on the left hand side, right click and choose non visual scale and reduce it to the exact amount you want - you just have to know the length of the map, and the jpg imported (use Info, the either Distance or length along - I usually use Distance. The in the command line, just put each value in using / to divide one by the other (make sure you have the numbers in the right oerder - if you want it smaller, then the smaller number goes before the /, then press enter, set the centre, then enter, and bingo! Hope this helps.
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    Is there a way in CC3 to manually shrink the frame around the map?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Hide and freeze all layers except the map border layer.

    Delete the map border. Draw a new one. I use straight lines with Ortho on.

    Show and thaw one layer at a time to edit the map so it is inside the new map border.

    Note that symbols wont show unless the Symbol Definition layer is also showing.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You can also resize the existing border using the scale command (from the left toolbars). I recommend hiding all other sheets than MAP BORDER and the one your image is on. When using the scale command, note that the border isn't a single entity, so make sure to select them all. If you pay attention to the command line while scaling, it hints that you can hold down the control key for independent x/y scaling.
    Before scaling, I would probably move the image so that the bottom left corner fits correctly with the border, and use that as the scale origin.
  • mcgrewcmcgrewc Newcomer
    Thanks for your patience and help guys.
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