Some questions on sheet effects

I'm creating my third city/village with CD3 and thought I'd tried some more 'advanced' techniques. But I'm having two questions on how to create some effects in the most efficient way.

In the attached PDF (CC3 seems to crash on save as... for today) you see the beginning of the town. It is situated in a mountain valley with a forest to the northwest.

Question 1: How to create the height effect (now a bevel and a blur) on the mountains without beveling the side along the map border?

Question 2: What is the best way to add a shadow effect on the clearings in the forest.
I was thinking to add a fractal polyline which has the wall shadow, directional effect, but perhaps there is a more efficient effect that can be applied to the polygon directly.


  • Question 1: most of the time I create two sheets. One sheet has the bevel, the other sheet has no effects (maybe a blur). Create one entity in sheet 1, it will have a bevel on all sides. Now create an entity in sheet 2 and cover the side of the first entity you don't want to have the bevel. Make sure your second sheet is drawn on top of the first sheet.

    Question 2: I have never done that before, so I can't help.
  • I've found a different solution what I think works a little better since I have as many as 5 different sheets for different mountain heights and adding another five sheets would make the drawing too complex.

    I added a box with a linewidth of 20 to the map border, meaning the size of my map shrinks by 10 (not to much on a map of 800x600). Since the largest value of the bevel is 10 it neatly falls within the white border area.

    Now to work on the forest issue (question 2). Any ideas anyone?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Posted By: LuhrmanzQuestion 2: What is the best way to add a shadow effect on the clearings in the forest.
    I'd probably create the forest as a multipoly, so that the clearing are actually holes in the entity and not other entities on top of it. That way, sheet effects are applied uniformly to all edges.

    It does have it's drawbacks of course, since creating the forest is a little more time-consuming and it's harder to edit later.
  • Well, creating a multipoly works perfectly, it creates the effect that I was after. Thanks Ralf
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