FT3 export to CC3 changes distances?

Hi there,

This is my first post here (I hope, seems my previous text wasn't actually stored?). I'm having trouble with distances when exporting from FT3 to CC3. In FT3 I've created the world I want to use, but when I export it to CC3, the scale seems to change? You can download my world here: https://dnd.timstoop.nl/downloads/Ember.ftw

The center island in FT3 measures 10k km, but when I export it to CC3, it's a mere 300m wide when I measure it with the Distance tool. What am I doing wrong? Any help is much appreciated!

Kind regards,


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Not sure what happened there. I did an export of the island you described on your world, and on my export, the island was about 13k km when measured in CC3+.
    That difference is normal, because of map projection issues. FT3 knows it is operating on a globe, and provides accurate measurements based on that. When exporting to CC3 however, it will need to make it a flat plane, so the actual difference between FT3 and CC3 measurements is based on what meap projection you are using, and where in the world the landmass is located. Unfortunately, there doesn't exist a map projection that can correctly translate all aspects of a world to a flat map (without using split projections)

    No matter, you can always re-scale the end result in CC3+. I prefer to right click the scale button and select the non-visual scale, so you can enter the scale values directly on the command line rather than visually doing it with your mouse.
  • Thanks for taking a look. Weird that it works for you :/ I'm not really sure where to look for this problem. I did try creating my own exporter, but unsure if any of the options in there has any effect on this.

    Regarding re-scaling, I'm having some trouble getting that to work. Do you mean non-visual stretch instead of non-visual scale? And if so, do I first need to select all the elements in the view window or is there a faster way of doing this?

    Thanks again for your help!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No. If you see non-visual stretch, you are right clicking the Move,Scale,Rotate button instead of the Scale button (Easy mistake to make)

    For selecting entities, remember that when CC3 asks you to select entities, you can hit the A key (for All) to select everything.
  • edited April 2017
    Ah found it, thanks! I can see it scaling with a factor 2.00, nice. I'm unable to change the command line at the bottom, how would I go ahead and change this to 34?

    Sorry for all the questions, I have trouble getting to learn the interface. I've went through the tutorials and the like, but I have trouble making things "stick" in my brain here, it seems :( Appreciate your help though!

    [EDIT] Found it, just enter a number when it asks me :D
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    My fix for this isn't much of a fix, but here it is.

    I make a map; contient, island, whatever, in FT3. I export as png.

    I then decide what size map I want to make. I have created a continent in FT3, and made it an island in CC3.

    Load up CC3 and make my own decision on size. Insert the png, and trace, draw over it. Whe done delete the inserted png, which I had placed on a bmp layer and sheet.
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