How do I change a terrain, floor or cave fill back to default?

So, I'm not sure what I did to having the problem I have right now. I've been making a dungeon map and now every single floor, terrain, or cave fill I select from a catalog fills with the solid fill color I select. I've tried to play around with the Fill Style Properties a little, but I don't understand if and how that is supposed to allow me to fill my dungeon with floors, terrain, or caves from the catalogs. I've only been using DD3 color and SS4 catalogs, but both seem to have the same issue.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited March 2017
    This happens when you try to use drawing tools not made for your current template. Most of the drawing tools uses some kind of raster fill styles, and when used on a template not made for them, the correct fills will not exist, and they default to a solid color instead. If you wish to use the tool beloning to a foreign style, you need to import the fill styles used by the tools into that template first.
    Unless you have change the map style in the drawing properties window, just closing and reopening the map should cause the right tool for your style to display.
  • Ok, thank you for your help. It was like you said I had to restart. Although, restarting the program didn't work. I had to restart my PC.
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