Organizational skills

As a new user to the Profantasy software, CC3/DD3/CD3/SS1/SS2, I am daunted by the number of directories to browse when doing something, or trying to choose a thing to do something with. Is there a method anyone uses to "clean up" directories and centralize all information so it is easily found?? I have multiple directories of what appear to be some of the same things such as .PNG files that look like other .PNG files or close to it. Bitmap directories A & B in a couple of different places. Im still not too clear on what the big difference is between the bitmaps and .PNG files. There are some .PNG files that resemble the bitmap files. I am super excited in learning this software and begin generating some maps for my RPG's. I am currently working through the Sweeney tutorials, which is a great help!

Any assistance will be appreciated.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited January 2009
    Basically, you shouldn't need to browse any of the directories at all
    - All the symbols (From the symbols subfolder) are available through symbol catalogs, which again is available from the symbol catalog buttons in the toolbar above the main window. Depending on which mode you are in (Overland, city, dungeon, etc), these will provide access to different types of symbol catalogs. You can also use the "symbol style toggle" button in the left toolbars (Looks like two trees with blue arrows pointing to them) to switch between different styles since you have the Symbol Sets. You can also click "Symbol Catalog Settings" to get a list of all the avilable symbol catalogs in the current style.
    - When you start a new map, the template wizard automatically shows you the relevant templates for that kind of map (From the templates directory)
    - All the fill styles (From the bitmaps directory) is available through the fill styles in the template. (Click on the FS: indicator in the top right corner of CC3)

    Browsing the actual directories is just needed in very special cases. CC3 expect to find stuff where they are now as well, so you should not try to "clean up" these directories.

    I would recommend working through a few tutorials, and you'll quickly see that you usually only have to browse through directories when opening and saving a map, and you are free to organize those however you wish.

    (I am assuming you are using the full interface here. If you use the simple interface, you will not have all the buttons I mention above)
  • I recently had to browse the dungeon bitmaps in order to create the Slaughterscar for my recent Valley of Obelisks map. So, this only seems true to me if you accept all the defaults and don't want to create anything "outside the box".
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