How do I cut a single shape into two shapes along a straight line?

I am placing continental land masses on a world map that uses the flattened polyhedral design (20-sided polyhedron, to be precise). I am placing some of the continent where they overlap onto the spaces at the top and/or bottom with space that isn't in a rectangle that represents the map surface. I need to know how to cut those continent shapes along the map lines, so that I can rotate the separated piece and move it to the next triangular area representing map surface.

I did this successfully once, years ago with an older version of CC (probably CC2); but, i can't figure it out again. Every time I successfully cut or trim the shape now I get a broken outline, not two solid shapes.

Any assistance for doing this in CC3+ would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • I would explode the landmass, turning it into a bunch of little line segments. Draw two straight lines where you want the continent to separate leaving a bit of space between them.

    Delete and/or trim where the lines connect to the segmented land mass so that they connect cleanly.

    Do a line to path on each half of the continent. You should now have a split continent than can be dragged and rotated into place.
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