Tutorial: Creating a Wall Mask (with SS4) [Video]

DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
Hi folks,

Below is a video demonstrating how to create a Wall Mask using Symbol Set 4 - Dungeons of Schley (SS4). There are slightly different kinds of wall masks so this video specifically shows how to create a wall mask with SS4, as described in the SS4 Mapping Guide. If there's enough interest, I may be able to do another video about wall masks in general.

Creating a Wall Mask (with SS4) Tutorial (Video, 13:40)

I hope it helps. If it does, you may be interested in some of the other video tutorials I've posted.

Royal Scribe


  • Awesome video. I went from 0 to about 80% efficiency after watching. I still need to practice more but the video definitely showed me the way. Well done and Thanks!
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited February 2017
    You're welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful. That's exactly what I hope for when I make these. :-D

  • Posted By: DogtagYou're welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful. That's exactly what I hope for when I make these.:-D

    The one problem is I am making my dungeons less complex now because I have to factor in adding the mask. I still screw it up about half of the time so my anger needle is getting pinned alot. :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Keep in mind that you don't need to have just one, master, mask. If it's easier, break up the mask by creating multiple, smaller, masks.
  • caveCrawlercaveCrawler Traveler
    edited February 2017
    Posted By: DogtagKeep in mind that you don't need to have just one, master, mask. If it's easier, break up the mask by creating multiple, smaller, masks.
    ugh.. Im going to need some more videos. :) It took me all day to realize that I only need trace on caves or curved rooms, not standard straight rooms. but I am a lot more competent today than I was yesterday. So I am seeing improvement.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    If you choose to not use TRACE for straight rooms and corridors, it might help to make sure SNAP is turned on (the button on the bottom right). Snap helps by "snapping" where you click to the nearest grid snap interval. That way, typically, if you click near a corner, you don't have to be exactly on the point you're trying to click.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sometimes I use snap to do rectangular or square rooms, but Ortho can help to.
  • caveCrawlercaveCrawler Traveler
    edited February 2017
    Posted By: DogtagKeep in mind that you don't need to have just one, master, mask. If it's easier, break up the mask by creating multiple, smaller, masks.
    Ok, my day 3 has shown some improvement.. Please critique and point out mistakes or make suggestions. Thanks again for all the help!
  • Very nice video Dogtag! The only thing I did not understand was that your map contains a bat cave, but no bat car or bat plane!
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited February 2017
    @dudeslife: I think that looks great! I love the difference between the background dirt/grass and the stone walls of the hallway and circular room. It looks like they built the walls to shore up the ground. Very nice!

    @Gathar: Thanks. It's funny you mentioned the Bat Cave; I thought the same thing! It's not "my" map — it's the sample map that ProFantasy included with SS4, so we should ask them what's up!  :-))

  • 21 days later
  • Thanks for the video, Dogtag, very helpful. I'd be down with the advanced / extended video on the topic.
  • I also would like the one on Wall masks in general. Thank you so much for this one
  • Awesome video, the effect looks amazing.

    I'm trying this effect for a cave/dungeon combination but when I select the first step (hiding all sheets but the walls sheet), only the dungeon walls show up. The caves are under the "Floors" sheet but they don't show up as cave walls, but as the cave floors instead.. Is that because of the cave drawing tool?
  • @FreakFire74: Yup.

    @All: As an adjunct to Dogtag's video, you might also be interested in this post.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited July 2017
    Hi FreakFire74. The technique shown in the video tutorial won't work for your map because your caves do not have any walls. The caves on your map were made by applying effects to the cave floor, giving it the illusion of walls by applying a black inner fade along the edges. This video tutorial shows how to add a mask (think masking tape) along the outside of actual wall entities.

    I'm afraid I'm really busy right now working on the annuals so I don't know if I can get another video done soon. But, in a nutshell, there are a couple of things you can try:

    First, you may want to try JMunsunII's link, above. This may actually remove the need for an additional mask. I'm not sure, I haven't tried his method yet, but it's certainly worth a shot..

    Otherwise, you can add walls to your caves and then apply the techniques shown in the above tutorial. This is actually fairly easy. If you choose to do so, there are a couple of ways to add the walls.
    • Copy the cave floor and turn it into a wall. See Monsen's recent post for a quick description on how to quickly and easily turn a floor into a wall. Note that you will probably need to use the BREAK command at the doorways/entrances after you create the walls, but that's fairly simple and the online help file should provide clear instructions for using BREAK if you need them.
    • Add walls using a wall drawing tool. Use the TRACE command to follow the cave exactly, as shown in the video above. If you want to know a little more about the Trace command, I did a separate video tutorial specifically about using it. You can find a link on my video tutorials topic.
    Or, you can try to create a mask for your cave by creating a multipoly. That's more complex and I don't know that it will work the way you want or need it to for that map. If you have the Tome of Ultimate Mapping, you can find instructions starting at the bottom of p.223. And here's a post that might help clarify some of the instructions in the Tome.

    Sorry I can't be more help at the moment,
  • 11 months later
  • ... If you have theTome of Ultimate Mapping, you can find instructions starting at the bottom of p.223. Andhere'sa post that might help clarify some of the instructions in the Tome.
    I'm guessing this page number is for the TUM 3 and not TUM 3+. Does anyone know the page reference for this in TUM 3+?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited February 2018
    You're correct, that reference is to the previous version of the Tome, before the CC3+ version came out. Check out the bottom of p. 259 in the CC3+ version of the Tome for the instructions about using multipoly to create a floor mask.
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