Selection menu

Hello there,
I'm reading the pdf manual for CC3+ and I'm having some problems with selection menu. I'm doing the exercises but I'm stuck at about page 53. I did already the selection by colour exercise. After, when I try to do selection by fill style every object I put in the selection box turns on magenta colour (which is the colour of the first square). It's like a fill by colour option is checked and when I try to select something the selection is filled with that colour. I feel totally dumb. Apart this I like very much CC3+, I'm enjoyng it and can't wait to get skills to draw nice maps :D



  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Are the objects turning magenta when you select them, or do they actually fill with the color, even after you complete the command you're attempting?

    I ask because when I select entities, they turn that color to indicate that they have been selected, it's just visual feedback and is not actually changing the color of the selected items.
  • Yes I figured it out 2 minutes ago... As I said I feel dumb but maybe this full intensive course is becoming grueling to be ended entirely in one day. Well the colour made me a joke and I noticed that is the default colour for selected objects, but for some reason I tought it came from the evil magenta square that wanted to mess the exercise. Ahaha I don't know if it's funny or tedious to answer to silly question like mine. Thanks for the help ;D
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited February 2017
    Not at all. Welcome to CC3 and the ProFantasy forum. Personally, I'm especially happy to answer a question that someone has while working through the tutorial lessons! Many people skip the tutorials and ask questions that the tutorials would have answered for them.

    CC3+ has a Learning Curve™, no doubt. But it really does get easier the more you practice and, especially, if if you work through the tutorials. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. We've all been there!

    Happy mapping,
  • edited February 2017
    Thanks, as I'm trying to learn the basic features of the program, I can see that tutorial (which is really good and clear) is necessary. I have no experience with CAD softwares, even if I'm not totally new to drawing softwares as I know the basic features of Gimp. I've read some posts on this forum where people complain about the fact that CC3+, CD3 and DD3 (I bought all the three and I can say they worth every single cent) aren't user friendly. Well, they are powerful tools so it's obvious you need practice with them. Anyway thanks for your welcome, I'm very glad to be here.
  • Josh.P.Josh.P. Traveler
    edited February 2017
    YouTube has some good tutorials also if you want something more visual to help with the learning curve. Here's a link to my channel. I'm still very much new to this software but people have commented that they are useful.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Some of us here also have tutorials... but mine on Crest of a Star might not work for new users.
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    edited February 2017
    Joe Sweeny has a free master mapping class for CC3/CC3+. He organized all his you tube videos and add stuff to do the older ones with CC3+.

    His youtube channel is at:

    If you do his you'll have no trouble learning how to use the software. I learned mostly from his videos.
  • Posted By: Jay_NOLAJoe Sweeny has a free master mapping class for CC3/CC3+ that is free.
    His free class is free? That's darned nice of him.

    But joking aside, not enough good things can be said of Joe's tutorials, for the new mapper.
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