Is there anyway that I can redownload one of the tutorial maps?
Hi! I just bought Campaign Cartographer about a week ago. I've spent this week going through the user manual and following along with the tutorial maps that were downloaded in the data file. It's a great program and there is a lot to grasp. I thought I was doing pretty good getting a grasp on everything until I came to the editing 51 in the manual. I downloaded the Seclection.FCW map and I was attempting the exercise where I was trying to pull out the blue colored layer. I kept doing something wrong and couldn't get it to work. I would get myself so messed up that I would close the map and reopen it to start fresh. Well dummy me....accidentally hit "yes" one time when it asked me if I wanted to save changes instead of now I've got a very messed up tutorial map.
Are the tutorial maps by any chance located anywhere else? I'm still very confused by this section and would like to keep working on it to figure it out....I don't want to have to uninstall and reinstall the program though to get a clean copy of the map.
Are the tutorial maps by any chance located anywhere else? I'm still very confused by this section and would like to keep working on it to figure it out....I don't want to have to uninstall and reinstall the program though to get a clean copy of the map.
7-zip is at this site if you couldn't find it
It is useful program to have as it is one of the only extractors that can really uncompressed huge files.