[WIP]Fantasy World Map - 13th Age Style



  • Really great details in these maps.
  • 26 days later
  • Thank you, trechriron.

    Here's a new update. Exported the map to Sketchbook and drew the contours of our world into the map.
    I also sketched a bit ahead, drawing climate zones, the mountains in the East of the eastern continent.
    Then I also added political/ethnic borders (the red, blue and purple entities can be regarded as "states"; the more blurred out areas [orange, yellow, green tones, with some exceptions] show the territories of different peoples/ethnics).
    The reason why the borders are not strictly political or ethnic: The cultures of this world are very different from each others. Some cultures have merged into large empires, some live in tribal societies. Some have build early forms of statehood, some have vast bureaucracies. There are for example dozens of Jarldoms in the region west of the northern mountain range on the eastern continent. So it would just not make sense to draw each one onto a world map like this.
    Also the red "empire" is less an empire but more a confederation of (theoretically independent) Kingdoms.

    I hope you like it.


  • Hadrian - good stuff here....good stuff.
  • Thank you, Lorelei

    Here's a closer look at the Avenin Confederation, which was shown in Red on the previous map.
    It consists at the moment of 17 Kingdoms, 3 Free States. The number of the entities are not fix, it can change because of the distribution of territories among the heirs of a King or because of marriage between royal families.

    I hope you like it
  • edited October 2017
    Hadrian, are you running a 13th Age campaign? Or just wanted to create a map using this style? It's coming along beautifully, btw. I've recently been acquired some 13th Age materials myself and if you're interested here's some new material coming out.....(I have some maps coming out, along with Ralf, for them in set of maps - here's the link for pre-order Fire & Faith ) I figured, since i've contributed to this great product, i should probably get to know it some :) Looking forward to the completed map :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Brilliant stuff, Hadrian. Those rivers are mind-blowing. *is humbled*
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Yes, really, really nice. I don't know what I like better, the mountains or the rivers!
  • Fantastic work HadrianIV! Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring indeed.
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