Change Image Size

New user to CC3+ suite...I am doing fine learning the software. It takes a bit but I can see it is worth it. One item I have run into that I haven't found a solution for in the docs or consulting google is how to resize a map. Currently, I am in Dungeon Designer, but doubt the mechanics change in CD or CC. In short, I made the base image too big during wizard setup and now I want to shrink it. I can get the background and things moved about with the node tool, but the overall page size doesn't change. Say I am at 500x500 and want to drop to 200x200. Is there an image or page property window I am missing?

Thanks for the assist.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    - Erase the current map border and draw a new one in the appropriate location (Map sizes in CC3+ are nearly infinite, so there isn't really a page size, so there is always a lot of map available outside your borders.). For this procedure, do note that there are some lines on the MAB BORDER layer, these are what define the border as used by drawing tools
    - Create a new map in the desired size, and use clipboard copy to copy all the elements from the old one to the new
  • Is there an actual border feature somewhere or is it just shapes etc? Was doing this exact same thing last night.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    They're just shapes. A few styles comes with a more elaborate border based on an image, but generally they're just filled polygons. There are no dedicated tools to draw them.

    I did forget to mention that right outside the visible border is a white polygon on the SCREEN sheet. It is just there to hide things that might be sticking out (large symbols at the edge of the map for example), and if this is needed, this is just a simple solidlif white filled polygon.
  • ! Been wondering what that was
  • erase worked great - thanks. I guess that should have been obvious, but I am so attuned to other packages where page or image size is set in a properties window.

    Thanks again!
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