Cannot use custom colors
ok this is starting to get a bit frustrating. you see i am making a map that needs that will use a grayish green like scale. something that is not part of the base color scale. problem is that whenever i try to use a color i make using the Define Color tool. it is removed and replaced by a premade color of the base scale.combine this with the fact that i have 10 blacks on my scale that i cannot edit because the moronic program wont let me. then again i cant edit any of the base colors or custom color slots.
so what am i doing wrong? all i am trying to use is the define color tool in order to create 4 new colors to use on a contour.
so what am i doing wrong? all i am trying to use is the define color tool in order to create 4 new colors to use on a contour.
If you click the 'Attach to drawing' button you may find that the custom palette will open automatically every time you open that drawing
1. i created the define color in a in one of the slots. ranging from 100 to 200. none that are tied to program features.
2. i try to use the color. only for it to revert back to its base color.
3. this includes for example using the base color chose. as well as using the more advance features such as choosing a contort color threw advance settings.
but ya in the end this must have been a glitch. that was fixed by reloading the program.
ps. i am still getting the glitch where it changes color on me. but i only need to make a few contors. so i can deal with it.