Sorry for this new question: troubles with copy n paste...

I m working on my last map...a detailed map of a specifical area....

This what i need...i have to work on this specific portion of my continental map (the one i posted in the forum somedays ago...)


  • what i can't understand is why the background of the river is disapperead (even if it was in the selection box, of course) and why so many trees and fields were copied...

    i selected only (more or less) the portion you see in the box above (i copied n pasted by photshop, starting from a jpg file)

    And a second can i know the size of copied area to create a proper window in the new cc3 instance, to male the copied area fit in the new window?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    Copy/Paste always works on complete entities, so when you select an area to copy, you will get all entities that are part of this area. (Actually, only those that have at least one edge in the area you selected, which is why you didn't get the background)

    You'll need to trim the parts of the entities that extends outside the map border. I'll recommend having a look at the various editing mechanisms in the Editing chapter of the manual, it describes to to trim and edit entities.

    To get the size of the area, use the distance tool found in the Info menu.
  • edited December 2016
    Tx so patient, with these newbies...!!!! ;)
    but why the river background wasn't copy???
    i still can't understand it...
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    It's because that background is either the main map background that covers the entire map, or it is part of a large landmass that extends way beyond the little area you wished to copy. When you did a selection window to copy those entities, it never touched any edge of the this background, so it wasn't selected (entities are only selected when you click on their edge, or their edge is inside the selection window). You'll see that the background behind the forest is missing as well, because this is also part of the same background.

    Usually, this is just as well, because you will normally paste it in to a map that already has a background, but if you want it, just make sure to manually select it when copying, remember that you can continue selecting after using the selection window.
  • are right!!

    it works properly....
    i m too much into the classic copy n paste system....
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: irishmani m too much into the classic copy n paste system....
    Yea, you kind of have to forget a lot of that when working with CC3+. Working with entities is significantly different from working with the pixels of an image editor, for both good and bad.
  • damn...i really can't erase areas outside the map box....
    i trace inside the map....but if i select erase strument, it deletes everything anyway...
    i tried following the manual...but can't understand how it work... :(
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you use the tracing method from the manual, you are basically creating a brand new entity, which means deleting the old one should be fine, just make sure that only the old entity is selected, and not both. Additionally, remember that after deleting something, you need to issue the redraw command to redraw the "hole" left by the entity you just erased.
  • This is the best result of my efforts...

    I could trim river...n borders....and i was able to remove landmass over the map box...
    but i can't erase trees, saving those inside and tillages....
    i use trace, to save them, but it doesn't work......
    really very hard for me...
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The trees wouldn't be individual trees, but the tool places them as a group.

    You could delete the entire group of trees, select vegetation from the symbol icons, and place trees to cover where the group was.
  • Infact...trees are a little problem...the big one is the fields texture.....
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The field looks like a bitmap fill. Try using the Node Edit and Delete Node icons on the left side of CC3/CC3+.

    Also under bitmap fills, you can change the size of the pattern beside 'Scaled'.
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