[ot] Digital mapping tool

I have used and love proFantasy software in the past. Right now though I am looking for a good non-web based digital mapping software similar to Roll20. What I would like to be able to do is build a map in CC3, or other ProFantasy tool then display the finished map players. If the software could display only parts of maps a player could see that would be a bonus. Any ideas on what software is available?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    There are multiple. I am using MapTool myself for this purpose. I'll admit I haven't tested out the competition, but I liked this one because it is both free and fulfills my needs nicely. And it fits your request for not being web-based. It can do light and line of sight calculations, allowing you to show only what you want to your players, and reveal map on token movement.

    I usually just load in my exported CC3 map, then add some vision blocking lines where required (like walls), and you are ready to go.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but Epic Table looks good. Players don't need to buy a license.
  • I'll put in another vote for MapTool. The learning curve is a little steeper than for Roll20, even for the most basic functions (you have to know a little bit about computer networking if any of your players are remote), but the forum community is the most helpful (and patient) I've even for an open source project. (There's a beta version that's a lot simpler, as they are testing a wrapper that includes a Java runtime that is known to work with MapTool. This makes things a lot simpler.)

    And if you want more capabilities, and are willing to learn the macro language, there's nothing to compare to it. There are people who have written animated video games in it.

    And, as Monsen says, it's free.
  • Map Tool is good. One of the guys on the Realm Works forum did a good video showing it off. He has one video in which he makes a CC3 dungeon and another in which he shows how to bring that into Map Tool and highlights how all sorts of things about Map Tool.

    A new version of Map Tool is on the works too that is going to add a bunch of stuff to it.
  • We have been using TTopRPG2 it is free and very good for our D20 games.
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