CC3+ crashes

I'm following the annual 92 real-world vector data guide, but CC3+ keeps crashing whenever I try to Explode>Combine any larger piece of land. I'm using the Natural Earth file that came with the Annual.

My goal was to create the world map with rivers and main contour lines for altitude, and then use that as the basis for small local detailed maps. I


  • What version are you using. Check under the help tab.
    Windows versoin.

    You can also post the fcw here and some people can try replicate the problem.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Do you have CC3+ Update 9 installed ? Clickon Help menu and About CC3+, the popup should say v3.75.
  • Sorry, should have mentioned: I have acquired and installed CC3+ (and all the add-ons it works with) about two weeks ago - the version is 3.75. I have a Windows 10 on a i7 16GB RAM laptop.

    I tried attaching the file, but it tells me the file is empty and that I'm not allowed to upload the file type. I tried zipping it, the problem remains. Any suggestions?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    What is the extension of the file you are trying to upload, and how big is it?
  • It's a .FCW and it's 2.28 MB. Too big, I suppose?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    Probably too big. That's quite large for an FCW file. It could also be that the sheer size of it is also causing the crash problem.

    It doesn't matter how big your machine is, CC3+ only uses 2 processors and about 4 GB of RAM(? - please correct me if I'm wrong Jim!), and it can crash if you try to do interesting things to a reasonably large file.

    To give you an idea of a more normal size for an FCW file, most of mine (with the exception of Merelan City) are considerably under 2MB, and nearly half of them are less than 1MB.

    Not sure how you are going to deal with this.

    Would it be possible to save it under a different file name then delete as much as you can leaving the problem objects?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Yes, 2 gigs as it is a 32-bit program. Doesn't use the video card either.
  • Can you upload it to a free file share service like Dropbox an post the link to the file?
  • TeresaTeresa Newcomer
    edited December 2016
    I first thought the coastline file might be too big, but as I am using the file (a copy) in the Annual 92 and it said you could use the whole map or not (plus add rivers etc), I assumed there wouldn't be a problem.

    Here is a link to the file (tell me if it doesn't work, first time sharing with google drive):
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    There is little point in me trying to open it, since I don't have any of the annuals, but I can confirm that the download was successful :)

    Hopefully it won't be long before someone discovers the problem and gets back to you.
  • TeresaTeresa Newcomer
    edited December 2016
    @Loopysue: "Would it be possible to save it under a different file name then delete as much as you can leaving the problem objects? "

    I don't know, really. According to the Annual I should explode the coastlines in order to transform them into polys and get my land masses. After that, I should create a new file and import the vectors from the coastline-file. Then I can repeat the same steps for rivers and whatever other vectors needed (I need to put in country capitals, and hopefully I would also be able to add height for 500m, 1000m, and above 3000m).

    The real-world map vectors are from Natural Earth, and they come separately: one whole map for the coastline, one whole map for rivers only, one whole map for capitals only, etc. I'm still grasping at how to measure things (how big to make the files and how coordinates work), so I am unsure of cutting the original world maps into quarters and working on them separately. I don't know how to make it so that everything falls into place - I can more or less get it there with the rivers, but world capitals and relief lines can't be fixed that easily.

    My goal is to have this one big world map as the basic land template, and then copy little pieces of it (about 5º to 10º squares) to create more detailed maps. At the end, I will eventually piece them all together in paper.

    PS: Thanks, Loopysue. :)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited December 2016
    I get a file that is 2.3 megs. No symbols. So the only thing I can think of its all the nodes. I'm probably wrong.

    I have been saving to png as 1200 by 1200.

    This map shows up as 1200 x 563 at 27 kilobytes. I shrunk it to 780 x 366 before uploading.

    I tried uploading the fcw file, error I get says its empty and not allowed to upload the file type.

    Lets see what else i can do.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    @Teresa - I was grasping at straws with that suggestion. You seem to have managed to transfer the file to Jim at least. Hopefully he will be able to help you :)

    The source information is the very reason I probably wouldn't be able to see a thing - it comes with the annual, and I don't own any of the annuals ;)

    As it is I can't even try at the moment - I have Genetica rendering a really complex texture. It saps everything my system has got, and takes forever!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Its the map itself. I deleted the Antarctic coastline and saved to a different filename. File size went down from 2340 kb to 2205 kb.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Are you saying this looks like one for the techs?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited December 2016
    Posted By: LoopysueThere is little point in me trying to open it, since I don't have any of the annuals, but I can confirm that the download was successful :)
    I don't think you need any of the annuals to open the map. This particular map uses real world data and doesn't use annual-specific content. It should be similar to opening a map exported to CC3 from Fractal Terrains, even if you don't own Fractal Terrains.

    The map opens fine for me in CC3+ on my Windows 7 machine. Each "large land mass" that I try to select (so I can try to explode it) is made up of several 2D Path entities. Info>Count All indicates there's only one (1) polygon, and that's Ireland. I was, however, able to select much of the Western Hemisphere (N & S America + Greenland) by drawing a selection box, and then successfully exploded them.

    Anyone else have any ideas what might be causing the issue? I can't really reproduce the problem since I'm on a Win 7 box.
  • Use the list all command and see how many entities you have. That could tell you id you have way to many entities.

    I have one FCW file at 6mb and another at 11.mb They crash on occasion and mostly due to the number of entities for climate and temperature.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Well I can't even open it, so it might still have something to do with Win 10/small cheap laptop (in my case).
  • @dogtag: what do you mean by "drawing a selection box"?

    I'll try to use dogtag's approach to explode everything into polys, if that fails, I'll try a slightly more elaborate approach. I'll make about four copies of the worldmap file, and then erase things to get only a continent per file. I can then turn the nodes into polys before finally importing them all into a single file to get everything in place.

    I hope Eurasia and Africa, being one single land mass, won't be too much if everything else is gone in both approaches. I'll give it a try and then will let you know if everything went Ok. Thanks everyone for your help. :)
  • It tried to open it on my W10 machine with plenty of RAM, it worked correctly, but as soon as I tried to zoom out, it crashed. I did not find this map in the annual, though, and I could open with no issue the maps I did find in the annual, even one twice as big (CA92 World w Rivers.FCW).
  • @Gathar it's an shp file or something which can also be downloaded at Natural Earth and that you have to convert with an org2ogr command.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Teresa asked:@dogtag: what do you mean by "drawing a selection box"?
    I just meant that, rather than clicking a landmass directly, I clicked to the upper left of the landmass, then moved the cursor diagonally to the lower right and clicked again, forming a "box" around the area I wanted to select. It's a less-precise method for selecting things because it will select everything that is within the box, including things that are only partly within the box. However, you can de-select things that you don't want to include after they've been selected.

    I used this method to ensure I selected several large landmasses at once, since you mentioned the crashes happen when you try to Explode>Combine larger pieces of land. Although, now that I type that, i realize I exploded large landmasses but I didn't try to combine them. I'll try that and report back.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited December 2016
    Okay, since the map is made up mostly of paths, I was able to convert the paths that make up Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia (and the land between) into polys — all at once. The result was pretty satisfactory, except for a few places where some of the larger landmasses were divided into 2-4 pieces, fitting together like a large jigsaw puzzle.


    But the divisions appear to be straight lines (straight sides of the polys), so I figured it should be easy to fix. Australia, for instance was two halves, so I experimented with that and it was fairly easily fixed. For Australia, there was a straight path dividing the landmass in half.

    I created a single poly by doing the following (it looks more complex than it is, once you do it):
    1. I split the left poly at the endpoints of the straight path.
    2. I created a new, TEMP layer (there are three layers, 0, MERGE, and STANDARD most entities are on 0).
    3. I then copied the right half (poly) to the TEMP layer and deleted the original poly on the 0 layer.
    4. I hid everything but TEMP and then split the right polygon at the straight path endpoints, just as I did the left.
    5. Then I deleted the straight path and copied the remaining paths back to the 0 layer.
    6. I deleted the entity on the TEMP layer so everything was back on the original layers.
    7. I then converted Path to Poly on the two halves of Australia.

  • Thanks Dogtag, I'll follow your steps. :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    I hope it helps!

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