Looking for style for small city

I just finished a small town using the City Streets style and it worked really well but it doesn't scale to my liking. I am in the process of converting several hand-drawn maps into CC3. Next up is a small city / large village that is about 550x420'. I find it to be an awkward size because his map consists of four 8.5x11" sheets of graph paper glued together and his drawings are very detailed. I thought about breaking it up into four separate maps but that might be awkward since there's no easy way to bisect the city. Given this, I'm inclined just to make it one map.

I was looking for some styles to use. CD3A is very nice but doesn't really have much in the way of vegetation. CD3B is not bad but I'm going for something a little more realistic looking. Plus I don't really like the city walls. Basic City has great city walls but I'm not overly fond of the lack of detail/realism with the buildings. City Streets is kind of limited. Anyone aware of other styles I should take a look at? Note that this city has lots of trees, several oddly shaped buildings, and a small castle. Thanks!


  • I build my stuff from scratch. I don't use any templates.
    Especially if you have an odd major building, or lot of unique buildings.

    I would always recommend building a city map as a single map. There is one example of a map I know that is not contained on one map and that is the city of waterdeep. It is a massive map. I counted the buildings off of my official poster map and it was an enormous number of buildings and not a small city. I'd have to dig out my posters to see what that count was.
  • Hi Aternox. I'd also say you'd be better off making a single map for the settlement you're wanting to convert. You may find you need to adapt as well as convert though, especially if you're finding the original size and level of detail a problem.

    There are a number of variant city design styles in the ProFantasy Annuals - just hunt through the information to get an idea what's available that way. Again, you may need to adapt your ideas of what you'd prefer, or as Cobra Mustang said, just draw your own. If you do want some ideas about creating your own buildings, you'll also find a search of this Forum helpful, as plenty of talented folks have provided ideas you may be able to adapt already.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    For my large cities I use 2 different methods for them.

    method 1) a block diagram showing areas. Then maps of each area. The links at the top of this one are geomorphs; Traveler's Path ( Inns, etc.), poor areas, and parks. I haven't drawn other areas yet.

    Dtillan Orsti city block areas

    method 2) strip maps. A city made up of strips of maps. This one is also incomplete and was done in CC2. Needs updating.

    Brillar, Dank Forest capital city
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