Some starting help

So I just got the triple package of CC3+ with the City and Dungeon Addon. Everything is installed, including the latest update. I have already watched some tutorial stuff and am going through the starting steps and just roaming through some of the available tools.

In the drawing tool selection I clicked on "Display sample" to see what they look like and for the default tools it displays all of them correctly but if for example I choose "Overland Mike Schley" as a style there are some that show correctly like "Terrain Default, Forest Mixed" but a lot of others like "Terrain Default, Marsh" only show a grey contour and when I draw it on the map it also only draws the contour without any additional textures on it. Is this a bug or should the styles not be included without additional annuals?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Welcome to the forums Twinkie449.

    The tools only works for the map style they are designed for. This is because the fill styles used by those tools are not available in the current template. You'll see that if you start a new map in the CC3 overland style, all those drawing tools are fine while the Mike Schley ones are not, and if you start a new Mike Schley overland map, those tools are fine, while the CC3 standard overland ones are not. Basically, you will almost never use the dropdown in the drawing tools dialog to switch those styles, but rather always use the ones selected by the current template.
    When you get a bit more advanced and start to think about multi-style maps, changing the style may be a bit more relevant, but then you will also need to import all the relevant fill styles into the map first.
  • Oh ok, thanks ^^
    For the moment I'm mostly getting used to the control scheme. I've worked with a geographical information system which worked with layers and vectorbased graphical objects on a pixelbased map and in a way CC3 does that too but always selecting things with a box is a little weird. Is there some sort of anti-aliasing option for the vectorbased stuff? Straight lines that go vertically to the resolution seem very jagged but it might just be because the quickstart made me choose 1000x800.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No antialiasing for display (although you can apply a weak blur effect which helps somewhat), but antialiasing is supported when exporting to an image file.
  • Is there any way to select a single object with a cursor or something? It's making me crazy when I misplace one thing in big groups and it looks weird but I can't select it without also getting everything around it :P
  • Zoom in it's vector based. At one point there will be spacing where you will be able to pick single entities apart.
  • I'm not sure if that works when things are overlapping though. For example I've added a prebuilt group of trees and then put some additional singles in holes within the prebuilt group but if it's a little off it overlaps weirdly with the stuff below (it looks like a tree growing on a tree). Since it's on top of something else and even in the same layer I can't select the single object that's on top.
  • cobra mustangcobra mustang Traveler
    edited November 2016
    You can select and move the object above. Just drag the above object away and then work on the item below.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    There are multiple ways in CC3+ to ensure you select the right object, check out the first part of the Editing chapter in the manual, it explains the various selection modifiers.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    the by Entity Tag number you get from the list command has worked great for me.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Also, you might want to check out this excellent ProFantasy blog post on selection techniques.

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