FSC file creation in CC3+

Can someone please describe how to import map tokens into CC3+, create the FSC file, and get them onto a toolbar if possible-like the CSUA2 toolbar.... I tried the format desribed in an older version, but ended up having to reinstall the entire set as the instructions don't tell you where to put the folder with the png's in them.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. Store your png's in the Symbols\User folder found in your CC3+ data directory (Default location is C:\ProgramData\ProFantasy\CC3Plus if you didn't specify an alternate location in the installer). Always use subfolders inside this location. By keeping them inside the data directoy, symbol references becomes relative, making it much easier to move the collection to a new computer later
    2. Start a new map, preferably use one of the templates from the symbol catalog category
    3. Import the symbols via Symbols -> Import png's
    4. Go to Symbols->Symbol manager, select all your symbols, and hit the save as catalog button at the top. This will create the actual symbol catalog. Either put this in the same subfolder as your png's, or preferrably, one level up.

    To load your symbol catalog from a toolbar button, you need to edit the menu files (fcw32.mnu for overland, dungeon.menu for DD3, city.mnu for CD3) to add your button. For example, adding the line
    #625,DD2SKIRMISH:[Tooltip]|CATALOG @Symbols\User\MyCollection\MyCatalog.fsc;
    to dungeon.mnu will cause a new button to appear in position 25 on the symbol catalog toolbar when the dd3 menu is active. Clicking this button will load the specified symbol catalog.

    For more information about symbol catalog management and menu files, you'll find more information in the CC3+ help file, and in the Tome of Ultimate Mapping.
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