Tiled printing cutting off 5' when printing

I printed a map using the print wizard to tile it. It keeps cutting off 5' on the right side of each page and I can't figure out why. I have attached the map.

The Print Settings:
View: Everything
Scale: 1:60
Page Size Letter
Layout: Portrait
Margins: 0.13(all 4 sides, its what I use in Word as well because it is what the printer prints)
Tile Print: Set N tiles based on scale


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Do the same issues appear if you print to a virtual PDF printer instead? Have you tried checking the 'use minimum page margins' instead of specifying margins yourself?
    Also, if you specify an overlap, you can also use that as a workaround.

    I tried running your map on my printer, and couldn't replicate the problem (had to use the appropriate printer margins for my own printer obviously, and didn't have letter paper, that stuff is difficult to find in stores, so the test wasn't identical).
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Some printers have specific margins, no matter what is set in the print requestor.

    'Fit to page' usually works for me. Sometimes I have to use 'shrink to page size' or something similar.
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