Can't find my CC3+ executable

Howdy, I just reinstalled my CC3+, CD3, DD3, Cos3, etc. After each install I selected the launch option so that I could look and see if the installation went well so I know things have been installed correctly. But after closing the app I look in my installation directory "C:\Gaming\Profantsy\CC3Plus" and I see all the files except an executable. Where did it go? How do I launch without running an installer?




  • edited October 2016
    Unlike CC3 which let you choose where to install the .exe, CC3+installs it's .exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus. The directory that you set up in c:\Gaming is where all of the program's data resides now, like symbols and fill styles.
  • Good to know, but somewhat disappointing. I moved the files out of the Program Files (x86) directory and into my games\profantasy directory where I wanted them and changed the AppPath registry entry. Let's see if that works or blows up.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    That will work just fine, as long as you moved everything.
    The reasoning for not offering an option to set the installation path for CC3+ is to make the install experience as streamlined as possible, and because the CC3+ directory is really small (less than 50MB), so it shouldn't cause a space issue for anyone, since all the large content goes to the CC3+ data directory instead (Which is the one you did select the path for). Advanced users can just move the program folder around as they please though, you don't even have to update the registry, CC3+ sets the AppPath at each launch.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I suggest making the move during install. Registry gets updated easier for me that way.

    And I made folders that matched my maps.

    So Traveller has mytravller under there are Arm then Gran-Dal and Vespucian folders, under there are column and sector folders that match the large pngs I made to show which areas have planets.
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