Adding Sheets
I am about 3 weeks into the software and am getting pretty comfortable with most of the concepts but for some reason when I add a new sheet, place objects on it then save the file, later when I open the file the sheets are gone but the objects are still there.
I have made sure to select the new sheet after I choose my object and the status bar shows the correct new sheet, but bang when I open the saved file back up the sheets are gone.
Have I misread how to add and save sheet information? I have read the CC3+ and TouM but they seem pretty straight forward, add save done.....
Thanks for any insight,
I have made sure to select the new sheet after I choose my object and the status bar shows the correct new sheet, but bang when I open the saved file back up the sheets are gone.
Have I misread how to add and save sheet information? I have read the CC3+ and TouM but they seem pretty straight forward, add save done.....
Thanks for any insight,
Reason for asking is that if you are adding symbols to the new sheets they may automatically be placed on the SYMBOLS sheet, rather than the new sheet you have just created. That would explain why they are still there.
If you want to create a new sheet to hold a symbol, it is best to name the sheet "SYMBOLS whatever else you want to call it" So you might end up with a set of sheets like this:
SYMBOLS my trees
SYMBOLS houses
SYMBOLS cars on the road
Hope that helps
I will give it a try in a bit once I get an RFP knocked out I have to finish today.
Thanks for the info!
Thank you!
Info menu -> List -> Select entities by holding the mouse pointer on the edge of the symbols and left clicking -> Right mouse click -> Do it
A new window pops up and you see lots of information about the entities, including what sheet they are on.
This stops the program from automatically placing symbols...but be careful to check each time you open your map to make sure that box STAYS unchecked. Each time I open a map, I have to take a moment to UNCHECK that box.
Oh, and in one mentioned this... The program deletes sheets that have nothing on them. If your symbols are. Ring auto placed, that's why you are losing g your sheets.
When starting a new map I "housekeep" - set up all the sheets I'm going to need or use. As part of this I am trying to set up 3 X Contours sheets for future use. Do I need to place SOMETHING on these sheets to permanently anchor them to the map? I've tried placing a poly within the map to keep the sheet and when I reload the map the sheet is indeed still there (at last!!!) however thinking that the sheet was now permanently anchored I remove the polygon and on next reload the sheet has again disappeared.
Does this make sense so far?
How do I permanently place a sheet within a set of Effects Presets without having to do this every time?
Sheets need an entity on them to remain in the file. An easy way to do this is to put a point on the sheet via Draw>Point from the menu (or type POINT and press Enter). The command line will ask for a coordinate. I usually just type 0,0 and then press Enter.
I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a rush so I don't have time to go into a lot of detail, but here is an overview of how I do this and it may work for you, too.
Try this:
- Add the sheet or sheets you want to include. Leave them at the bottom of the Sheets list for now, you can rearrange them later.
- Un-hide and un-freeze the Template layer (layer not sheet).
- Set the first of your new sheets as the active sheet. The status bar should now show your new sheet as the current sheet and the Template layer as the current layer.
- Add a point to the map at 0,0 (select Draw>Point from the menu or type POINT in the command line). This point is on your new sheet.
- Activate the next sheet in your list of new sheets. Remember this means the sheet has a checkmark next to it. Be sure to confirm it's the active sheet by checking the status bar after you close the Sheets and Effects dialog.
- The POINT command is still active, so just type 0,0 and press Enter again.
- Repeat this for each of your new sheets.
- When you have added a point to each new sheet, re-hide and re-freeze the Template layer.
- Save the file.
- Add your effects and arrange your sheets. If you want to save them as a preset, go ahead.
Each of your sheets now has a point on it and will remain saved, but the points are hidden on the Template layer.I hope that helps.
This seems to be exactly what I was looking for. I haven't tried it yet (I'm about to!) but from the look of it and the previous post's I'm expecting it to work perfectly. I'll let you know.
Many thanks
Just ran the process and that's just the ticket. Many thanks once again.
It's been a few years since I mapped so I had been trying to get all methodical this time around (with CC3+) instead of just floating along like I used to do. If I understanad this correctly then I'm amending the template of the sheet itself to ensure that it remains available to other maps - the template not being effectively changed as the Layer is invisible?
The "Template" layer name might be a bit confusing. There's no "sheet template" per se. Sheets and Layers are saved in the map template file as well as in the map file itself. When you create a new map from a map template, the new map inherits everything in the template but it's not connected back to the template; it's basically a copy. You can add or delete sheets or entities, import fill styles, or modify the Template layer of the map but it will have no effect on the original template file or the sheets in the template file.
If you add sheets to a map template file, and then add points to those sheets, and then save the template file, then new maps based on the template will also include those sheets (and points).
If you save the sheets as an effects preset and then, if you later select the preset in a different map that does not already include those sheets, any new sheet added by the preset will not include a point, even if you added one to the sheet originally. You may have to add a point to any new sheets added by the preset if you don't place something else on them before saving and quitting.
Does that help?
It does, a great deal.
Thanks again. I've done some mapping before and avidly watched the Sweeney tutorials, but was always under the impression that once a sheet was added to a set then it would be available if that set of sheets was ever used again.
This has certainly helped me sort this out.