
Hi all

I am getting odd amounts of whitespace around any map i try to export out of CC3+

any ideas why this is happening?


  • edited September 2016
  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When you save as a graphic, click on Options lower right of the save as dialog.

    Check mark: Crop Image to Aspect ratio and Restrict Image to map border.

    Some templates I have used take both, and some only the later is needed.
  • It may be the map screen. Did you have to clean up anything outside of your borders? If you did, you may have used the solid white fill to clean things up. That actually becomes part of your map.

    It's an easy fix. You can use any imaging editor, like mspaint, photo shop, gimp, to do it. Use the rectangular tool to close in on the map, then crop to selection. It white border disappears ;)
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼 18 images Mapmaker
    LadieStorm is right. You can also (which is what I do), use the Save as ... Rectangular Section PNG option in the save as dialog and use the upperl left and lower right map corners for your export section.

    What you see is indeed the "Map Screen" which covers up any symbols that extend beyond the map border. Since it is a map entity (just in the same color as the background), CC3+ does export it along with everything else.
  • Thanks all. It just seems odd that cc3 always exports crisply to the borders, where this whitespace requires "more work" afterwards.

    I tried restricting it to the map borders, which reduced the whitespace significantly (thank you all). It hasn't eliminated it, which suggests my practice of
    overspilling land and sea forms a little bit beyond the edge to make sure it fills is something that has consequences in CC3+
  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
    Justin. as long as you don't add entities to the Map Border layer (which in general you shouldn't), it crops just fine.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    Hi Jvstin

    You will find limiting yourself to putting everything within the map itself very limiting over time. A far more natural look is achieved by allowing things to go beyond the border where this is necessary, and sheet effects (in particular the edge fade inner) actually need to be used on polygons that extend beyond the border unless you want a nasty sharp straight line some way in from the edge.

    If you want to achieve the desired effect make a note of the size of your map in map units when you first create it and use them to dictate your rectangular section.


    If I make a map from scratch that is 500 map units tall, buy 800 map units wide, when I am ready to render that map I would choose to save as the rectangular section png, or rectangular section jpg (either will do) and click the options button that appears at the bottom right hand corner of the dialogue box once either of those two are selected as the save as method.

    The options dialogue is filled with all kinds of different things you can adjust, but the most important thing is the proportion of pixels in width to the proportion of pixels in height. Given the map unit dimensions of the map I have created I would set these to maybe 800 wide by 500 tall... or double both dimensions and call it 1600 wide by 1000 tall. If I wanted a really fine resolution map I would probably go for 4000 pixels wide by 2500 pixels tall. (Note how I always keep the size of the rectangle in exactly the same proportions as the proportion of the map itself.

    Click ok and name the exported file, and click ok again.

    What? no action?

    Well this is because if you look at the bottom left hand corner of your screen at the command prompt CC3 is waiting for you to "pick first corner". You can do this by hand of course, by clicking the cursor in the region of the origin (I always start at the origin which is the bottom left hand corner of the map), but this is not the way to absolutely guarantee that you won't have any white space at all on the other side by the time you have finished. No.

    The only way you can do it is by entering the coordinates from your keyboard to give an absolutely precise location for that first corner. The bottom left hand corner is "0,0". Just type this on your keyboard - you don't have to try clicking in the command box - it will just appear there if you start typing.

    hit return/enter, then type in the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner of your map (in this example that would be "800,500", and hit return/enter again.

    Then all you have to do is sit and watch the blue DOS window that suddenly appears to keep you informed of progress.

    I hope that helps to sort it out so that you can at last map right up to and beyond the edges :)
  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sometimes the grid I make goes past the map border, but since its on the grid sheet and layer, it gets cropped.
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