Shessar's Fireplace symbols in DD3

Hi, this is my first comment on this forum, so I'll try and make it quick. I downloaded DD3 and Shessar's Fireplace symbols. I like the symbols, a lot; but I can't seem to import them to CC3+. At least not in basic user dungeon mode. Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance!


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2016
    Just browse to the Shessar fireplace files. Make sure they are under:

    data folder/CC3Plus/Symbols/Dungeons/

    then load them into the Symbols selector on the left side of CC3Plus.
  • Thank for such a quick response! Now, can you tell me how to load the special walls features symbols in DD3? I've got the basic set, which helps a lot. But I can't seem to access things like magic-locked doors (for example). I know it's a stupid question, but it would really help if someone could tell me this.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    What symbol sets do you have ? The regular DD3 set should have a wall features symbol set. The doors are in that one.

    I just use letters on top of the doors. S for Secret and H for Hidden. I put S and in the desciption state it takes Knock to unlock it.
  • Yeah, I have the symbol sets for DD3. I just don't know how to load them! I *have* noticed that the temp set of symbols appears on the left and that seems to include *all* the symbols used in the individual dungeon design.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You should see some icons above the symbol area. A tree will load tree symbols, door will load door symbols, a chest for containers, etc. into the symbol selector on the left side.
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