Can you change every insidence of a color to another color

I'm trying to change most of my instances of light blue (for water) to light green for land. Is there a way I can select all instances of that color and then change the color property to a different one?

I tried selecting for one of the areas and change the area. PS I think the light blue is one big area with a land mass on top. (drawn with fractal terrains and converted to CC3 map)


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited August 2016
    Yes, you can select entities by color and then change them all at once.

    Try this:
    1. Click the Change Properties button image.
      The cursor changes so you can select entities.
    2. Right-click and select Color from the pop-up menu.
      The command line changes to read, Color # [dialog]:.
    3. Right-click to accept the default, shown in square brackets. In this case (and in several other cases) the default is to display the appropriate dialog so you can choose a value.
      The Select Color dialog box displays. Alternatively, if you know the color number, you can type it and then press Enter, and then skip to step 5.
    4. Click the color you want to select (the one you want change) and then click OK
      The dialog box closes and the command line now reads, Select entities (X picked):, where X is the number of entities that were selected.
    5. Right-click and then select Do It from the pop-up menu.
      The Change properties dialog box displays.
    6. Change the properties you want and then click OK.
      The dialog box closes and CC3 makes the changes you entered.
    I hope that helps.

  • Thanks Dogtag,

    It looks like I'm going to need the color number to select with. How do you view the color properties on an specific symbol?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited August 2016
    Select Info>List from the menu bar to get color information (and much more) about the selected entities. Color information is typically displayed in the first line or two for each entity, so if you view info on an entity with a lot of nodes, don 't get overwhelmed by all the info. Just look at the first couple of lines for that entity.

    That said, you can't change colors for symbols, unless they are varicolor symbols.* Likewise, you can't change the color of entities that use a bitmap fill. The instructions above are for changing the color of solid-filled entities.


    * Technically, there are ways to modify symbol definitions and bitmap fill files, but that gets more complex than using the Change Properties function directly on the object you want to change.
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