
Is anyone else having trouble getting CC3+ to open?

I was fine till I tried to open Merelan City this morning.

I can open CC3, but nothing happens when I try to open CC3+

If this is a reinstall job. I've probably lost the city :(


  • oh god. no problems here. Is it just taking REALLY long? Ralf suggested that might have been a problem i was having when having trouble opening the program several weeks ago.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    There's not even a blip on the Task Manager. Its like it just isn't there any more, though I can see it, and double click it. Nothing happens. I have asked Ralf how to go about sorting it out.
  • Did you try the right click run as administrator?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Try double clicking on a map file (any file BUT the one you had open last). If it is your map file that makes CC3+ crash, double clicking another map file will have CC3+ open that instead.
    (If double clicking a map file opens CC3 instead, try renaming the file you were working on and then start CC3+. If it can't find the file, it will basically open a blank file instead.)
  • oh....and sue....BREATHE. I know that feeling. BREATHE.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    LOL Lorelei - its ok. I am astonishingly clam right at the moment, though my hands are a bit trembly. I could draw you all some darned fine rivers right now!

    Just to recap on all your kind suggestions:

    I have tried double clicking a number of different FCW files, and nothing happens. Interesting, really that CC3 DOESN'T fire up, even though there's nothing wrong with that part of the software at all.
    Run as administrator was the first thing I did
    I've called "Version 06" "Fred", and that didn't work either.

    Ralf has been helping me with emails, and he's sent me a link to a zip file to download and just open over the program files folder.

    I'll let you know if that's successful when I've done it, but I really need a cup of tea first!

    Thanks all for being here with me :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh dear. It didn't work.

    Waiting for Ralf to get back to me again.

    Considering a complete reinstall, down to the registry, and from then on running with only the basic necessities - no special toolbars or anything.

    I can get everything I want just by importing the relevant fills and manually opening the symbol folders. No great problem or anything. I tend to only use the simple tools on the right of the screen anyway. Don't usually bother using the ones on the left.

    I just need to know how get rid of the existing installation so that whatever is wrong gets trashed as well.
  • GatharGathar Traveler
    Hello Sue. I really, really hope you did not lose your wonderful work!

    I have not seen you say you rebooted your computer? If you did not, this might be the first thing to try. The second thing, before you uninstall/delete anything, is to back-up all that you have, and most especially the programdata/profantasy folder where everything is usually installed (sorry, I can't be more precise, I'm not on the computer with CC3+ now). It may be useful to restore extra textures that you may use in your map without remembering you used them. Maybe you could send your map to someone you trust among the users of CC3+ and synchronized with him until he can open it on its computer without any issue, which would mean you have salvaged everything useful before doing any rash operation.

    Have you tried opening the event viewer of windows, trying to look for some explanation on this issue in the windows logs? Software don't just stop working without a reason! If it has issues just starting, it might have nothing to do with any CC3+ configuration. There are some other tools that can help debugging such an issue, but you need a strong developer to understand them. I was thinking about adplus, windbg or procmon...

    Most of all, I wish you good luck and a lot of courage!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Hi Gathar

    I've rebooted at least five times so far

    Just in the process of stowing a copy of my data folder in my MyDocs folder, so I don't loose any of the graphics, and can keep them arranged in the way that they were set up for the city map (since we all seem to have our own unique folder systems these days).

    Event windows just confuse me, Gathar. Sorry. People say I'm clever, but if I am 'brainy', its only about colours, shape, and form - not systems and electronics and sorting out drivers and files and stuff like that.

    All I really know is that its only me who has this problem, so its not to do with Win 10, because otherwise half the forum would be screaming about it by now. That's why I started this thread - to see if I was the only one.

    Something has gone wrong with my particular installation, and the quickest way to get back on track is just to start again.

    When I've stowed all the graphics safely away, I'm doing a complete uninstall-reinstall.
  • I know how frightening and frustrating a corruption can be. While I've not experienced what you have happening, I too have had major problems recently. A complete uninstall and wipe of the relevant registry items is easier than it sounds. But Gathar is correct. Even if we only see red x's, someone needs to test your FCW to insure that it is not corrupted by this as well. Perhaps you'll trust Ralf or Monsen with your actual file for testing. Do you have an older version just in case this one is corrupted along with the program?

    With Ralf helping you, any suggestions I make are just blips on the screen. Still, have you just tried doing a repair install of the main program (CC3+) and then a repair of Update 8? It's good that you are backing up the data folder. I always keep a semi-current backup myself just in case.

    Sending positive thoughts your way Sue. Loosing a work of art is an upsetting prospect. I hope all ends well on this.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Thanks Shessar. I already sent it to Ralf a while back, to see if that was the problem, but he says its ok. I was surprised when he told me it was only a medium sized file, considering its at least three times the size of anything else I've got.

    A work of art? Eh. Wow!

    Thanks :)

    I'll let you know how it goes, but it may be a couple of hours. I'm going to download everything fresh from my account page so I can be confident the problem will disappear.
  • Wow, this is interesting news to wake up to this morning. I really hope this all gets sorted in your favor Sue. I wish I could help you but I know almost nothing about programs/coding. Good luck.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Join the club, Tonnichiwa - I'm a bit of a fool when it comes to things like this. You only have to ask Vintyri how many times I installed the Beta test info in completely the wrong folder as proof of that!

    All I'm doing is downloading all the installers and updates all over again so that I have everything all nice and bright shiny new, then uninstalling the existing software and installing it again from the new installers.

    Costing me a bit, though. This will take me well over my monthly broadband allowance. Been uploading a lot of graphics just lately, both here and over on Cartographer's Guild. Only have half a gig left right at this moment, and I'm only 88% through downloading CC3+ installer.

    Keeping an eye on the tally, though, so I can try and work out whether to pay for a 5 gig add on, or a 10 gig add on. Hoping to get away with just 5 :)

    Thanks for the luck. I have a feeling I'm going to need it!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited August 2016
    Oh me, oh my. I am having just SUCH a great day!!!

    Since things like this happen in threes, or so they say. I dread to think what might happen next. LOL
    Fred.JPG 230.5K
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh this just gets better and better...

    And to top it all, now that CC3+ has finished downloading I'm going to have to go offline for a few hours because I only have a few tens of MB left until this top up comes through!
  • Sue, I am sorry all.this is happening to you! I understand how devastating and frustrating it can be. Keep your chin up. As they say, this too shall pass.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Ah, I think the worst is over now Storm :)

    I've uninstalled everything and reinstalled it. As you can see I still have some work to do reinstating all the CSUAC, Bogie and Vintyri stuff, but at least I can see the file again now!

    Thanks to you all for your concern and support :)
  • GatharGathar Traveler
    It's fun, even with all these red crosses, I still think the map is worth looking at :)
    But I must admit I prefer the previous version ;)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Ah ha. I actually got them in the right place first time!!! (wonders will never cease!)

    I actually quite like the red cross version as well. Isn't that strange. I felt wonderful when it appeared (mind you, I was expecting it to be pretty abstract without all the graphics files)

  • I'm so glad this worked out for you! I'm still looking forward to seeing the completed map! Congrats on getting it up and running again :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Thanks Tonnichiwa :)

    I think I've burned my brain with all this stress and worry today. I just feel mega tired right now, so I'll probably leave doing any more drawing till tomorrow now. Woe betide any software that decides to go and fail overnight tonight!!! LOL.
  • Glad that it all worked out! :-)
  • Something similar happened to me. I've not used CC3 much for a long time, but this morning I fired up cc3+ and created some sigils. This afternoon I realized that I'd had so much fun that I was going to start working on a map.

    1) Selecting CC3 and CC3+ from the list of applications: I get a whirling "working" cursor, then nothing.
    2) Right-clicking CC3 and CC3+ from the list and running as administrator -- same result.
    3) Double-clicking maps, including the ones distributed with CC, e.g. the CA welcome 'map' -- I don't think I even get a whirling working cursor
    4) Selected CC3+ in "Programs and Features" and selected "repair" -- no change to run results.

    SOOOOO.... do I have any reasonable options other than re-downloading CC3 and re-installing?

    I'm running Windows 10 Pro, all critical updates installed. Intel i5-3570 with 16GB ram. Lots of room on the SSD boot drive and working drive (where the CC programs are installed).

    I can't start CC3 to tell you versions, but I did recently install Perspectives 3 and CC updates.

    Thanks for any suggestions you can provide. This really took the wind out of my sails.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    CC is 32-bit, so it only uses 2 gigs of ram, and not the video card either.

    As for map crashes, thats why I save as filename01_001, do some small amount of work, save as filename01_002, etc. Yes, it leads to a large number of variations. But it also gives me maps to fall back on if some fail.
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    CC3 is 32-bit, but should be marked /LARGEADDRESSAWARE, meaning that it can access 4GB on a 64-bit OS (or 3GB on a 32-bit OS with /3GB in the startup or just 2GB on a plain 32-bit OS).

    As an unrelated bit of amusement, the image that is shown for missing bitmap fills is called "missing.png" in your "%APPDATA%\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\System" folder (there seems to be another one in the program install directory as well, but I'm not sure why). If you don't want to see the chunky little red X when you're missing a file, you should be able to replace that bitmap with something more to your liking.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Frown faces ? The red xs are okay with me. Hmmm... I wasn't aware of the largeaddressaware stuff. Thanks !
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Yes, I noticed that "missing.png" when I was looking at the data folder, and it did make me smile, since it was so obviously the red X image.

    The problem I was having was not being able to open CC3+ by any means, never mind save files under a different name. It just quite simply wasn't responding - not for any reason, or for any file I cared to try. After a lot of emails to and fro between myself, Ralf and Vintyri I decided to do an uninstall and reinstall, which worked... sort of. I have yet to restore the functionality of the CSUAC/Bogie/Vintyri toolbars, and the buttons all look rather fuzzy and out of focus, but the basics work enough for me to carry on. I've also lost my yellow sheets button again!

    @ sdavies2720 - I can't really say if the trouble I was having is related to yours or not, and for that reason I wouldn't want to recommend that you do the same as me. If you make a tech report you may just be lucky and get it sorted out without having to go anywhere as far as an uninstall/reinstall.
  • @Loopysue -- thanks. It's been so long since I've regularly used CC3 that I forgot all about tech support. I'll log that now -- but between GenCon and the weekend (and time difference), I suspect it might take PF a little while to respond.
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