You all are NOT going to believe this....

So, on occasion i put up a free map on a Facebook D&D page. Why? Well, why not. Not all players have the ability to make a map, or afford to pay for one. But I like to share the experience of having a free map once in a while to my fellow gamers. Remember the thread in the CG? Somehow i feel this is connected....but anyway....I put up a map i made months ago....a cemetery. I saw a map someone made and thought, hey a cemetery, cool to have one just in case and threw it together with no real thought. Today i felt like sharing a map and thought it was pretty generic among all my maps - since most are specifically for MY campaign.

SOMEONE ON THE PAGE ACCUSED ME OF PLAGIARISM!!!!!! hahahahhaaaaa. Can you imagine? How incredibly ironic. Saying i "ripped" it from first level Gem Craft? Umm.....first off, can anyone tell me what the hell Gem Craft even is? Just hysterical......


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    I DON'T believe that.
  • Oh my Dogtag, you have NO idea how this thread went.....whew. It just got so stupid. Finally i just zipped and posted my original .fcw to end it. The admins deleted and banned him. I am SURE it is related to the thread on the CG where me, Storm and Sue had issue with someone posting links to our maps on a Facebook forum without our permission.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    There is almost nothing that I have trouble believing.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2016
    There are some sad b's out there who believe they are artists, but who use other people's work to hide the fact that they are rubbish, then have the temerity to accuse the original artist of plagiarism. This is exactly what I was afraid might happen when my Observatory was stolen, and why I made such a huge song and dance about it all over on Cartographer's Guild. The experience has left me waiting for it to happen... and it has!

    I wouldn't go and send anyone an original FCW file, though, since that gives them a lever to make an even bigger claim that the original was theirs!

    Not to worry on this occasion, however. You have already 'sorted' him.

    I think if you happened to post the map here back when you drew it, if the worst comes to the worst you could actually use that posting to prove the point?

    EDIT: even better if you did a Work In Progress (WIP) series either here or on the Guild - there wouldn't be any doubt whatsoever in the matter then!
  • oh, well he wasn't saying i plagiarized HIS work, that it was from some game? I don't even know what that is. And, no i haven't posted this map anywhere online before....its not a particularly good map, imo. lol.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Plagiarism is a stinky word to use in an accusation anyway.

    Its one of those amorphous ideas that relies very heavily on individual interpretation. For example, if I were to draw a similar underwater map complete with boat and coliseum to yours some people would scream plagiarism and get red-hot mad with me, while others would smile and nod and say 'clearly inspired by', or even 'clearly this is a tribute to her friend, the great artist Lorelei'.
  • Awww thanks, Sue. MOST of the time my own maps are inspired by others i see. Or any picture that interests me for that matter. That's where my inspiration for my campaign comes from, as well. I mean if i had seen a picture of a cemetery and "recreated" it EXACTLY as it was in my own style that, to me, might even be a grey area....but i would never do that - id just use the scene as inspiration for my own version of it. I am creative in my own right and do not need to recreate other's work. The funny thing is...what would this guy actually CARE so much for???? I truly think it was personal in nature. He couldn't even find the map in question...because i do not believe anything remotely similar to MY map exists. Sure,there are other cemetery maps out there....that's how i got this idea :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I think the poor fellow has some kind of mental health problem. Notice how no one else in that conversation even wavered from your side, never mind agreeing with him!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    While I am not a great map maker, I didn't put the fcw files on my new verson of Crestar when I changed it to Crest of a Star.

    As for the internet, there are folks who like to make false accusations because the resulting furore feeds their tiny egos.
  • I even went looking for this Gem Craft, and I found the game, but there are NO images that I could find... other than their gem logo. I don't know how it could be related to Carl Bartoli, unless this guy is in that group as well, and got mad that Carl had to take all of our stuff down?

    Personally I think he was just a crackpot, or maybe someone that thought he saw your map somewhere else, then realized he was wrong, and couldn't man up and apologize.
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