Area of a Surface in CC3

Hello, I am very new. I have a question that I've been trying to find the answer to, but I've only found posts saying that there is a way to do what I ant, but I can't find how.
Anyway, with CC3+, is there a way to measure the area of a piece of land? Like if I have a country with clear borders, can I find how much surface area it covers, or at least the % or something? I've been looking for this answer all over the place, and the closest I got was a post where someone was trying to do it it Fractal Terrains, but a response said that he could import it to Campaign Cartographer because there was a tool for that there.

If there is a tool, for some reason, I am incapable of finding it, as I just spent the last 30 minutes exploring the program with no luck.

Or if I can't do this, then is there a possible method to use without Photoshop that could accomplish the same thing.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sure, under the Info menu at the top of CC3CC3+ there is an Area selection. Select that, find a starting point on the area, click there, click around the area. Don't worry that the lines go away as you go around the area. When you get back to the start point, click there, then mouse right button click. Select Do it. There will be a popup telling you the area.
  • Of course, I look at every nearly every tab except the correct one. I knew it had to be really simple since I couldn't find a straight answer anywhere.

    Thank you so much! I suddenly feel so much better.
  • I just love these threads that reveal some feature I never knew existed. :)
  • GatharGathar Traveler
    There is another way to do it, if you already have drawn the frontier, and don't want to draw it again.
    In the same "info" menu, just select "list". Then select your entity (you will probably have two entities if you draw it with the tool, it's not a problem). Right click, do it. A windows will appear with lots of information about the selected entities. Among those, the length of the entity, and its area.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: GatharThere is another way to do it, if you already have drawn the frontier, and don't want to draw it again.
    Note that you don't need to "draw" it again with the area command either, it will happily allow you to select an entity instead of defining the area manually. That said, LIST is a highly useful command, one I find myself using all the time to find all kinds of information.
  • 2 months later
  • I have a follow up on this. To create a nation I trimmed a coastline then added another line along some other geography to create a multipoly of the territory. When I use list it shows the 2 line entities with 0 area. I tried to explode then combine the lines but with little success. Am I missing something?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Sorry Cybersmily - I'm not just ignoring you (you've probably seen that I've just added to my own thread). I just don't know the answer :shrug:
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Unfortunately, the area command doesn't work on multipolies.
    If an approximation is good enough, you can start the Area command, and instead of selecting anything, just use it to "draw" an approximation of your landmass, using the existing territory one as a guide. The closer you follow the original, the more accurat the result becomes.
  • Thanks for the response. Would be a nice enhancement for a later update ;-)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I have needed to find the exact area of a multipoly and done it by exploding the multipoly, getting the area for each of its component parts, subtracting the sum of the area of the holes from the containing poly, then re-making the multipoly.

    Does that help?
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