Adventure flow chart...

Something a little adventure scene flow chart for my Fate flintlock fantasy setting. Some scene notes:

• There are four core scenes in this adventure...The Cask and Crow, The Crags, The Village and the Nahuatl Pyramid. The others are optional scenes that with the right planning and actions the players could choose to do or bypass.
• The Boarding Party! can be avoided if they successfully lose the Krisuvikian pirate ship in The Crags.
• The players can (theoretically) avoid The Village by first surveying the perimeter of the island and choosing to attempt to scale The Cliff. However this approach should be nearly impossible so as to force the players back to The Village.
• Similarly The Jungle can be avoided if they players successfully scale The Cliff.
• The Predators can be bypassed if the cliffhanger in The Jungle is a success, but if they succeed at scaling The Cliff, they should automatically encounter The Predators before continuing to The Nahuatl Pyramid.


  • This is cool. I had never considered using a flow chart for adventure design and you've done a great job of it. I love how versatile the software is.

    Did you use the 'line with arrow' command from CC for this, or some other means for making the arrows?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Its not for an adventure, but I do have to work on a relations chart for my Dwarf Home dungeon of hundreds of rooms; who put what trap where, which orcs and goblins work for whom, which evil being put what undead where, etc. Back in the 1980s I used a flowchart template I had left over from university to make one. I need to redo it.
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