The Isolate Isles - WIP

SO, i've had this island chain mapped out for months and months. The last couple of weeks i have picked it up and down. I figured i'd post it halfway finished for some suggestions, comments, tips, etc. from all of you. We all seem to have such great ideas that i relish in your suggestions. Anyway, Forynth was my VERY first map of my homebrew world on CC3+. I made it about a year ago off of my VERY first map EVER with Photoshop. You can certainly see my progression :) I would LOVE to redraw Forynth and Capricia in the H.W. style, especially as my players keep jumping around and i am just adding more and more to this current map - which to my progressed skill in cartography sees that first map as flawed in so many ways. But THAT is a huge project and with the campaign in full swing....well, i'll get to it someday. In the meantime, i've been working on this map of the Isolate Isles to the west of Capricia. I've made some changes based on some techniques i picked up from Sue and some others here over the past week or two...but here it is in progress


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Its looking really good so far, Lorelei,

    I have a couple of suggestions, I hope you don't mind:

    Have you thought of using a very slight blur on those ocean layers just to kill that jazzle effect where the paler lines on each piece are interfering with each other just a bit? Either that, or adjust the scale of the texture to reduce the effect?

    If you want to pull the islands together in terms of style, you could try using the same base texture for all of them, even if you end up covering most of the land in different forest/desert/grass textures. The fade inner edge around those additional textures on the land will mean that all the coastline will be a uniform colour for the first couple of mm in from the sea.

    The other thing I notice is that although the volcano is a beautiful drawing, it happens to be top view, rather than side view like the rest of the HW set, which makes it look a bit 'odd-man-out'.

    I do hope you don't mind me being so "straight to the point" here, but I'm quite tired. I'm just making the most of the time I have to do stuff like this, even though its way past my bedtime!

    They are all lovely maps. Its just that you asked for ideas :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Actually the water doesn't look too bad close up (the jazzle effect I mean).

    Is that lava bleeding into the sea from Inoch Yewus?
  • of course i don't mind!!! that's why i posted it. The different land fills are done purposefully, though. The blackened are partially black sands, but also due to the volcanic terrain, they are blacked. The darkened inland glow is to give the impression of kind of pollution? If you can see there is a darkened smudge between the islands...kind of like a "black" algae bloom due to the foul pollution caused by Inoch Yewus and The Belch. As far as The Belch, you are quite right. I liked the way it turned out....but it kept drawing my eye to it, but not in a good way. I've got to look around for a symbol i like for this i don't really like the H.W. volcano as used below in Inoch and the Schley style on Critigua. I will try the blur on the ocean, that just might do the trick as the squiggles are very distracting and i feel like i could have a seizure if i look too long!!!

    Thank you!!!
  • edited August 2016
    Yes the lava is spilling into the ocean....and the darkened "spill" is volcanic ash that builds up along the coasts of the other islands in the black algae bloom. I was afraid the spill there makes the island look like its floating a bit? Maybe if it turn off the effect of the "sick film" i've got hovering over it you might see it better....
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    OMG. They must be throwing a lot of whatever into the water! LOL! dirty people!

    I know what you mean about the HW volcano. I love HW, but the volcano definitely isn't the strongest point. I tend to use it in conjunction with the volcanic rocks and sometimes black varicoloured sea rocks to create a nasty jagged field around it. Having lava texture seep out of the ground around it seems to help by suggesting the area is generally volcanic in a big way. Alternatively you can use the lava texture to create the core of a really massive volcano at the heart of a ring of black varicoloured ordinary mountains?

    I do seem to be a bit fond of these black varicoloured suggestions tonight. I really must go to bed.

    Your off to a really good start with it all, anyway :)
  • edited August 2016
    Here's one without the toxic air hovering over Inoch Yewus for better detail...

    Dropbox link for those who cannot access OneDrive: Islands no film.PNG?dl=0

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Ah ha! I see it more clearly now - complete with waterfalls, and also the ring of black varicoloured mountains with lava fill that I must have been quite blind too last night. (I really was tired).

    I'm glad you removed the green smog effect from Inoch Yewus. It was just a bit distracting :)

    I also see now, that you have used a mixture of bevel mountains (the volcano to the north and the picked reef - also the mountains on the tiny island between those two features?) with standard mountain symbols. That's interesting. I think when I did the Ethran map (the one with the shadow of eclipse shown on it), I decided to use bevel rather than the standard mountain symbols throughout the map because I was getting transparency acne in the eclipse shadow. Since there wasn't much land outside the shadow I just stuck to using the bevel because I wasn't comfortable with the mixture - one being side view, the other being top view.

    Incidentally, if besides Photoshop you also just happen to have Bryce or someone you know does, I can describe how to generate a more detailed relief map, like the one I did recently for Merelan City, although it requires patience and a lot of fiddling around with the blend mode and transparency to get right once you import the relief bitmap into the CC3 file.

    Are you going to use any of the forest/desert/swamp fills in this map?
  • I removed the beveled volcano for consistency in the view of the mountains. As for the pickled reef, those should be half submerged in water (i will add some water spray around them) they are bits of exposed reef and rock so i don't think i'll need to do any relief shading there. I've looked at Bryce and i can tell you that the math involved in using a program like that is just beyond me :) I still haven't figured out Fractal Terrains... I know there is sooooo much i could do with PS or GIMP (i don't know ANYONE who uses any computer software like Bryce - most of my friends/acquaintances are teachers or work in healthcare) to touch up my maps made in CC3+ but really, like i've said before, i truly am a technological idiot.

    As far as fills, yes, of course, i just haven't really gotten to the stage of the "where" everything will go. Any suggestions would be welcome!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Are we anywhere near the equator?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh no! Stupid question. Note the position of the Isolate Isles on the bigger map!

    So. We are in the northern hemisphere, and by quite a long way I'd say...

    Alpine forests?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: LoreleiI know there is sooooo much i could do with PS or GIMP (i don't know ANYONE who uses any computer software like Bryce - most of my friends/acquaintances are teachers or work in healthcare) to touch up my maps made in CC3+ but really, like i've said before, i truly am a technological idiot.
    Well, I teach computing at Bachelor and Master level, but I still can't do anything useful in PS or Gimp. PS is the most difficult and counter-intuitive program I've ever encountered, so don't be so hard on your technological side if you cannot use them properly.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Bryce is easy, but it isn't free. About £30 I think (ummmm... oh dear, let me see, that would be about $39.18). the only reason I mentioned that option was in case you already had it somewhere.

    The reason it isn't really all that expensive considering its a 3D graphics package, is because it can only export bitmaps, not vector models. That's kind of 20 years out of date as far as 3D graphics go.

    The bitmaps, however, are extremely useful for creating relief sheets for landmasses. All you have to do is create a png or jpeg of the contours in your CC3 file in shades of grey, import the contour image into the terrain editor, click 'erosion' once, and then render an orthogonal view of the resulting terrain with the light set in the correct direction.

    It WAS only a suggestion :)

    This is what the relief sheet for MC looks like after the treatment I described above.
  • edited August 2016
    Posted By: LoopysueOh no! Stupid question. Note the position of the Isolate Isles on the bigger map!

    So. We are in the northern hemisphere, and by quite a long way I'd say...

    Alpine forests?



    Actually the island is in the southern hemisphere of the planet (its warmer up north near Capricia and the swampy marshlands of The Glaydeep and colder down south near Am-Tarsha. So, the Isolates and Capricia are closer to the equator...Capricia is quite arid most of the year with just a window of a rainy season....Some of the regions best wines are made here such as Rispero Rouge (a chianti-like wine) and Golden Caprice (a lovely sauvignon blanc like wine). I kinda loosely based this island off the the island my parents are from in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the coast of Naples :) and Forynth a little off of S. America
  • Posted By: LoopysueBryce is easy, but it isn't free. About £30 I think (ummmm... oh dear, let me see, that would be about $39.18). the only reason I mentioned that option was in case you already had it somewhere.
      I thought i saw a "free" version when i looked it up online. If there is one to try i will certainly download it and play around...i mean it can't hurt. I started off with THIS program "just playing around" :)
    • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
      Posted By: LoreleiActually the island is in the southern hemisphere of the planet (its warmer up north near Capricia and the swampy marshlands of The Glaydeep and colder down south near Am-Tarsha. So, the Isolates and Capricia are closer to the equator...Capricia is quite arid most of the year with just a window of a rainy season....Some of the regions best wines are made here such as Rispero Rouge (a chianti-like wine) and Golden Caprice (a lovely sauvignon blanc like wine). I kinda loosely based this island off the the island my parents are from in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the coast of Naples :) and Forynth a little off of S. America
      Ah. So you would be thinking Mediterranean climate?

      Arid brush... HSL adjusted "Forest small" to make chaparral.

      Woodlands... HSL adjusted "Forest large"

      Possible savannah... HSL adjusted "grassland"
      Posted By: LoreleiI thought i saw a "free" version when i looked it up online. If there is one to try i will certainly download it and play around...i mean it can't hurt. I started off with THIS program "just playing around" :)
      That's probably the free trial version, and I can't remember if you get the full functionality from it, but if you want to have a go at that, then you need to create something like this from your CC3 file, with black as the lowest point (the sea), getting progressively lighter the higher you go in even steps.

      The reason you need to click "erosion", is to get rid of the steps and to give it a more natural look.

      Let me know if you need a hand with it :)
    • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
      A couple of years ago I got Bryce 7 for free, but the Pro version was $35.

      DAZ 3D site, the current owners of the copyright, etc., are selling it for $19.95.

      Note that DAZ Studio 4.9 is also free. The cost is in the add-ons.
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