Proper Uninstall Procedure for CC3+ ?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: ShessarIt was you who first showed me the .imn.
    Yes, and I regret that. Well, not showing it to you personally, but it was I who constructed the first CSUAC toolbar, and used it there. It seemed a good idea at the time, but in truth, the use of this file completely break down the contextual menu system CC uses. It is easy to use, because you can modify a single file to get content everywhere, which makes people turn to this file even when they shouldn't.
    You yourself just said that your toolbar is now almost full, but I am pretty sure not all of your buttons make sense in every context. And it would be silly, for example, if you couldn't fit the Vintyri symbols on your custom toolbar when in CD3 mode just because it is full of buttons loading floorplan-level symbols. Of course, this is just my opinion, I am not trying to tell you how you should configure your own personal CC, customization is there for you to make the best setup for yourself. Consider my words something worth giving a thought, but just as easily dismissed if you don't like them.
    Posted By: ShessarI currently have 36 buttons and three blanks for grouping. My guess is that I'm nearing my limit. Remy might know for sure but I would guess 40.
    The technical limit is 99, but the practical limit depends on your scrfeen resolution, and wether you use large icons or not.
  • True, not all of the menus on my toolbar makes sense in every context, yet I do cross use symbols a lot and know exactly where the symbol I want is located on my toolbar.

    However, I can see that I have to make a decision on how to proceed in the future. Even if I use the .mnu files, there is still the possibility of my setup conflicting with other future external projects. I've not installed anything but my own collection until now. I have to weigh whether I really NEED any more symbols vs wanting to to have what everyone else has.

    This has been a very beneficial discussion. I have things to consider. Thanks to everyone involved.
  • Even though I have no idea what most of this means... Shessar, I have noticed an observation that may actually help you. I have Vintyri's toolbars, since I was part of the beta testing, and I have noticed something. If I'm working in CD3, and I need something from the DD3 symbol sets, all I have to do, is click on the dd3 icon, and it loads the dd3 symbol sets. Then, when I have used all the dd3 symbols I need, I just reclick the CD3 icon, and I'm back to those symbol sets.

    It's proven most useful in my Coutalla City map, because I actually started that as a dd3 template, but I need the cd3 symbol sets for the structures. And it works, pretty much like what Remy and Mark are saying (if I understand them correctly!)

    And if this is not how these new toolbars are supposed to work... well then I will KEEP this bug!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I've used different symbols in some maps that aren't exactly compatible, just to get a specific look. Like city ones in dungeons.
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