How Do I Find Professional Quality Map Printing
I have always drawn maps by hand. Now I am excited to create maps on my new computer. Once I make a large map, is there a business that will print my map for me and mail it to me? Or am i limited to small prints, that I have to attach together?
The Game Crafter
Poster Jack (Ralph said they have extent print quality)
I think the even have ProFantasy Blog entry that talked about printing services a few years back.
Places like Kinko's etc. can do the print job but you need to ask them about price and what is the best format for you to give them image in for it to be printed.
One of the battle maps video tutorials covers exporting so you get your map perfect for printing
Most people export maps, from what I can gather to a PDF file for printing. So do be aware that it may shrink the image very slightly to fit it to page